Chapter 1: When We Were Younger

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Abiko Taro. A ten year old who was born a s one of the many unusual people known аѕ "illusionists" His parents decided that heading to the town in which every illusionist in the country goes would be the best option for him. It was known as "The Illusion Coast" since it was located on a mountain far away from the cities, and it was there that the children brought there would be taught and catered for by professional illusionists. He didn't want to go, but his parents decided it would be a waste of opportunites for there own dear child. But what they didn't know about is the thing they would go through after their 'simple' training.

When his parents told him about the news, Taro replied, "Mama, papa, why are you taking me away? I thought you two loved me?" Please dear, don't think of us as horrible parents because of this," his mother shouted. "We love you so much and don't you dare ever think we don't." "Don't you worry baby, I assure you that nothing bad will happen." "Please sweetheart, don't think of us as awful parents because of this." his loving mother said. Regardless of the fact that he was spoilt, he grew up being a young gentleman. The boy's father stated, "Son, I would like you to contact us using this phone okay? You can download some games while you're here so you won't be bored. We love you."

 After some talking and farewell, he got into the bus and they started driving to the town. He looked at the phone and toys his parents got him before he left. He got a Doggy toy he named Peter and a pack of cards.

 He didn't seem to trust anybody except for his parents, so he decided to keep his real name a secret. He decided on the name "Cardon" He didn't really think long for the name. Since he was sure his power would be somewhat related to cards. He didn't know why he thought like that, he seemed so passionate about cards so he just kept that thought in his head.

 "Hey, can you let me sit? I want this seat." A red haired boy said. "And, what's up with your hair? I know red isn't that common but purple? Aren't you like too young to dye your hair?" The red haired boy exclaimed, he was curious about Taro and wanted to be friends. "Wanna be friends uhh.... what's your name again?" "My name is Ta- Cardon. My friends call me Cardon and I'd prefer it if you call me that way." Taro stuttered. It was his first time making an actual friend.

Taro was homeschooled. His parents were too scared of the outside world and gave him animals to accompany him. When he was 4, his parents gave him 3 dogs and a cat, though all of them passed away before he turned 10 since their breeds were big animals. He was lonely all by himself, his parents sent some of his cousins over but he wasn't really used to human interaction. He ended up getting the kid bored. 

"I'm Gunner, it's a pleasure meeting you!" The red boy said with a big smile in his face. "Gunner? What kind of name is that?" Taro questioned. "Well you're one to speak! You said your name's Cardon!" Gunner playfully yelled back. They laughed as they continued talking to each other the entire trip, it might've been the most fun Cardon experienced in a long time.

 After hours of driving, everybody was tired. They were brought to the town and met all the kids. The town seemed normal except there were mostly kids and teens in it. Barely any adults other than the caretakers. "Woah Cardon! Look at that building!" Gunner exclaimed. They were both curious on why such a large building was in such a town. "It looks so... fancy?" Taro said while looking for an adult to ask help from. 

He finally saw an adult and dragged Gunner towards them, he was confused on what he should do. "Hello, do you know a person named 'Flare'?" Taro asked the adult. She was tall, maybe around 5'10, her voice was... soothing? She seemed to be caring  and had a powerful aura around her. Her hair kind of looked like lava and fire but didn't seem to hurt anything. Taro looked at her and thought "She's so pretty" He turned to Gunner and saw him stopped on his tracks. "You're looking for Flare? Follow me to her floor." said the pretty woman.

After to some conversation, they arrived at the 3rd floor which is where 'Flare' should be. "Here it is little boys, I hope you two have fun! Bye!" She waved as she slowly left. They waited for a few minutes and watched as each kid walked in. Then they finally saw their caretaker Flare. She was... The same woman that brought them there?! Gunner and Cardon looked at eachother confused. Gunner raised his hand "Ms. Flare, aren't you the woman that brought us here? Why didn't you tell us?" The woman smiled then replied, "I wanted to help you two but didn't want to ruin the surprise!" 

She started introducing herself and asked everybody to do the same. She explained how 'illusions' work and how they found out these things. "An Illusionist is basically a magician kids, they have powers and go to towns similar to this in order to get stronger. It has been found out that their power somehow gets stronger virtually, and how illusionists don't have eye problems. Their powers are also about something they've been passionate of. Us Illusionists also have a unique skill where nothing bad can happen to our eyes." Flare taught.

"After our discussion, we will spend the rest of the day showing to each other each of our awakened powers. Everybody please go to the machine to get your power checked. Now it's time for everybody to play.."

-Taro x Noboyuki- (Original Characters) (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now