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Ann sits down at her desk one morning thinking about whether she made the right choice or not by applying for a course for architectural studies. "Is this really what i want to do", she thinks to herself. She feels that she isn't happy with what she is doing and that everyday she is stuck in front of a stupid computer.

She thinks about her brother Conor, and what he has done with his life. It makes her feel that she isn't making the most of her life. She's frustrated but like every other day, she shuts down these invasive thoughts and continues with her work. Ann wants to change her mind, she really does but she's not like Connor or Raphina. She can't just run off into the sunset and pursue her dreams. She's realistic, she doesn't daydream she's knows in her head that she needs a real vocation but her heart is desperately trying to tell her otherwise.

Ann continues working hard, just trying to get through another drag of a day but the constant arguing and screaming of obscenities done by her parents in the room next door is kind of getting in her way. "Would they ever shut up". A heavy sigh escapes her lips. "Maybe i should take a break". Ann heads down to the kitchen passing one of the numerous realtors who has been coming down to check out the house. She's heard from her dad that apparently they have gotten their hands on a good deal and if things keep going well the house will be sold in the next 6 months. Ann hasn't really voiced her opinion on the whole situation but in all honesty she doesn't want the house being sold. She hates Tommy, Timothy, Tony whatever his damn name is. For once in her life Ann agreed with Brendan it was a horrible truth that she refused to even say out loud. She'd never admit it in front of Brendan even if it killed her but she wouldn't have to anyway. Brendan had left. Where? That's just something that nobody knows. First it was Connor, then Brendan and then her mom. Even though her mom came back occasionally all she did was argue with her dad just like now. It was just Ann and her dad and the stupid, good for nothing realtors as she likes to call them in the house. She misses Connor and Brendan. They were annoying twats but they were her brothers after all. At times like this they'd all stay in Brendan's room and dance around like they had no problems in their life. When she was with her brothers, life was good, they didn't have fighting parents they were just 3 siblings dancing and smoking hash. "Where are they now I wonder?"

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