☆ Monday, 24 January ☆

4 0 3

My sister started getting seizures..
i dunno what to do

my sis cut her hand by mistake

I was having classes so i ditched classes and came to her..she said that she was feeling dizzy

I hugged her
and sge was sitting down

suddenly she fell down and started moving weirdly, with her eyes open

I got so fucking scared..it was sk scary..i immediately went outside the room and started calling my dad

i went back and it was still happening

she stopped after 10-15 secs i think...

I got so fucking scared..oh god

This is the first time something like this happened to her

My mum and I then made her sit down..and she wasnt talling and she looked so out of it and she kept saying that she felt dizzy

She was sitting on the bed and suddenly she fell on the bed and started moving weirdly again
oh god it was scary

My dad came this time..

And then yeah she came back into consiousness after 15 secs?

god 2 times...

We made her lay down after that on the bed and she felt really tired

She fell asleep, we then made her change clothes and then she got up and fell asleep in the other room

I woke her up before lunch and then I put a bandage on her cut

well..shes all okay now but it was so very scary..its giving me the shivers just thinking about it



My story 2 (A diary in the literal sense)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن