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no mary sues accepted, 

please fill the form neatly,

max. 3 years difference 

between your oc and fc,

and only idols accepted

for faceclaims .

F O R M 

name : 

other names (english/ chinese/ japanese/ korean) :

nicknames :

age :

date of birth :

nationality :

faceclaim (and backup just in case) :

*background (where you came from, why you came, how did you get to know about maris) :

skills - 

vocals : (max. 8 out of 10) 

rap : (max. 8)

dance : (max. 8) 

[*not literally, of course- like, you can't say someone tagged you and you came to this af. i meant your oc, you can make some story up]

blank   form   here   :

male  submissions  here  :

female  submissions  here  :

n o t e  - if your form is exactly similar to this, following the rules and all, i'll accept it and give you a number, an id only for your oc. just thought you should know. 

s e e  a l s o -  you can apply only one time. this is to prevent confusion for you between your ocs during missions.

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