Chapter 3

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In this chapter, they go marriage shopping.

At the dress shop.

Jane:-Lets get going. We have a lot of items to buy.

Ashley:-Yes, let's hope we can finish it today itself.

Brax:-I somehow got roped into this.

Jack:-Same here Brax.

Hinata:-Don't worry, I think we can get a break in the middle.

Ashley, Jane, Natsu and Yachi go to the women's section while Jack, Brax and Hinata go to the men's section.

Yachi's Clothes,

Yachi's Clothes,

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Hinata's Clothes,

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Hinata's Clothes,

Hinata's Clothes,

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After dress shopping,

Natsu:-Onii-Chan Yachi Onee-chan looked so beautiful in the clothes she bought.

Hinata:-Is that so Natsu?

Natsu:-Yes Onii-Chan *she nods*. But you cannot see the pictures of Onee-chan trying them out.

Hinata:-Why though? *he pouts a little*

Natsu:-Because it's bad luck. *she says solemnly *

Ashley:-Why don't we all go for lunch? It's late.

Jane:-Sure. Where shall we go?

Brax:-*Looks at Hinata* Why don't you take Yachi and go on a date?

Yachi:-Dad! (//o//~//o//)

Brax:-What? You both are going to get married in a week. You need to get to know each other.

Hinata:-Sure Uncle.

Desi Hinata {Arranged marriage to Yachi}Where stories live. Discover now