Nature Spirit - Evander Fyto

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(Eee-van-der  fai-toh)

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(Eee-van-der  fai-toh)

Full names: Evander Fyto

Nicknames: He's never had one

Gender: Male he/him

Sexuality: Bi

Species: Demi-human

Current Status: A protector of a large forest. He defends the land and provides for the animals.

Job: N/A

Birthday is August 6th, but he doesn't remember the year he was born in. He presents himself as 25~ year old male.

Appearance: Evander's skin is tan with no viewable scars. He's quite muscular. Some parts of his skin are a bit green (specifically on his forearms and shoulders) from where he grows plants off of his body. He is Greek.

Personality: Despite looking very intimidating Evander is an extremely sweet man.

Abilities: Evander has one main ability; chlorokinesis. This allows him to have control over most nature, as long as it comes from the ground he can manipulate it. He can also grow plants off of his body.

Height: 6'1

Voice: Ycey Narrates on Youtube (closest I could find)

Good Traits:
Evander is extremely well-versed with nature. It's what he's most familiar with. He loves helping people and making new friends, even though it doesn't happen too much. When he does meet new people they're mainly just travelers, but he makes sure to keep them safe on their travels through his forest.

Bad Traits:
Because Evander has been alone most of his life, he has little to no people skills. He doesn't know many social ques in the human world and he sounds like an alien when he tries to pretend like he's a regular human.
Evander also isn't the best at reading people. If you were crying he'd lend an ear and maybe pat you on the back but past that he'd have no idea how to help you.

Mental Issues:
Separation anxiety from people he cares deeply about

Evander spends his days watching over his forests. He cares for the flora and the fauna and maintains balance. He likes to weave flower crowns and interact with animals.

Evander has a phobia of fire and lightning.

Shy/Inexperienced top

Turn ons:
Kisses, hand holding, bites and light scratches. Sometimes being called names, only if he knows the person well enough to know they don't mean it.

Turn offs:
Gross stuff and the whatnot

"Please, come forth and take hold of my hand. Everything will be perfectly well now that I am here..."

You've been traveling in the forest for a few days. At first it was just a hike to let off some steam, but now you're completely lost. Your water is out and you've eaten all of your food. The forest seems like a never ending maze of green. You collapse against a tree. You're confused, disoriented, and above all you're tired. You just want to sleep. And as you slowly begin to pass out, you see a figure approach from the distance and pick you up...

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