Another chance 2

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I woke up in mama bed I been calling Adrian that sense the twins was born .
It just fitted her well she like it too. She was still sleep so I was just laying there looking at ha .

She is so beautiful . Long black hair going every were, her little nose , her perfect skin, the way she doesn't need makeup. I love the way she look when the sun hit her.

Man her smile I love it I just love her . I didn't even notice how hard I was starring at her until I heard Bri cry.

I got out of bed my wanting to wake Adrian up. I go next door to they room and see Bri standing up in her crib . I pick her up and she cuddle into my chest . "Da--da fuud." She say and I laugh . I think she meant food not sure tho .

Jr still sleep he knocked out he sleep like his ma all wild and crazy not giving 2 fucks who next to him. But Bri look like her mama just with my nose and Jr look like me with Adrian nose so it's kinda funny .

I walk downstairs with Bri still in my arms I put her in her high chair and put some cereal on the plate in front of her . I think about what I should cook Adrian and I just make something simple. Eggs,bacon,pancakes, and a fruit shake .

After I cook that I pour Bri some juice in her cup and hand it to her while she drink that I go check on little man. He wide awoke just laying there like a thug . I pick him up and take him downstairs with me . I do the same thing I did with Bri to him then I make Adrian plate .

The twins was just chilling in the chairs but that's lame so I took them out and put they blanket on the floor and throw some toys on the ground . I turn the tv onto Micky mouse and lay them on they blanket then go back to what I'm doing . After I put her plate together I take it up stairs to her and she wide awake to .

" I thought you left ." She say when I walk in . " nah I made you breakfast u can eat it up here or downstairs with me and the twins ." I say and she nod her head . "Downstairs I wanna eat with yall ." She say taking the plate out my hand and walk downstairs. I follow behind her and go get my plate then sit down next to her on the couch.

We watch the kids play as we eat and we joke around and shit . After about an hour we done eating and the kids show went off so they just laying there playing . I wash the dishes then go back to the living room .

"So mama you said you had questions and my momma said she would watch the kids . I told her we would be there around 4 she wanna see ya if that's coo with cha." I Say and she nods her head at me .

" you rest ma ima go get the kids bag packed and them ready." I say . " are ya sure cause I can do it ?" She say questioning me . " yeah I got Em Ma just chill ." I say and she nods her head .

I run up stairs and run them a bath after its the perfect height and temperature I go get the kids . I put em in the water and let em play for a while then I wash em up . After washing ,drying,Lotioning, and that shit . I pick them out something to wear.

I make em twin again and I pick em out
Somehing to wear.

Bri had on : Baby Tims, skinny blue jeans, and a black sweater with a gold princess crown on it That say princess on the bottom,and I throw on her gold chain .

Jr had on: baby tims, blue jeans, a black shirt that say king at the bottom with a gold crown on it , and his baby gold chain as well .

I put some of this grease in his hair to show his curls . Then I just leave Bri hair wild and curly it make her look more like her momma.

After I get them ready I grab they over night bag and walk down stairs with em in my arms . "Mama I think we abouta head out cha ." I say and Adrian look at the twins with a smile . " let me talk to em real quick." She say and I nod and bring them over to her . "Yall lookin fly yall dad did. Good job . But be good for grandma don't do anything bad or ima whip yall . No she gonna whip yall cause grandma don't play .

Another Chance(sequel to my lil thug)Where stories live. Discover now