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Akaashi and Bokuto didn't mean to have their daughter at 16 and 17. They didn't mean to have sex in the back of Akaashi's jeep. They didn't mean for the condom to rip.
The two were on a date together. They decided to get some ice cream then star gaze. It all faulted when Akaashi said.
" what does Mango and pineapple taste like? " it went wrong when Bokuto didn't give him a bite. Instead the older scouped some into his mouth. He kissed the second year passing the ice cream through the kiss. When they pulled away they knew then. They wouldn't end up sitting on top the Jeep wishing on shooting stars. Instead they ended up sitting in the back seat. Akaashi on Bokuto's lap when everything went wrong.
Now two months later the raven's missed school due to illness. And on the days he does go to school he ends up with a headache. At lunch he doesn't eat for fear he can't keep it down. And the fact he's put on a bit of weight. It wasn't till volleyball practice his mind began to question what was going on.
" Konoha-san? " he asked barley above a whisperer taking his school shoes off. The ash blonde turned at the sound of his name.
" what's up Akaashi? " the older hummed slipping his gym shirt on. He watched as the second year picked at his nailbed. Something he did when anxious.
" what time does practice start? "
" we have 30 minutes till the coach shows up.. What's wrong?" Nothing needed to be sad for him to understand. Konoha grabbed his friend pulling him out of the locker room. Together they left the school finding the nearest dollar tree.
" when did you start feeling sick? " the older asked while at a stop light. His friend reluctant to answer at all.
" Akaashi. This is a safe place. I won't tell anyone.. Just need a better grasp of the situation. " he smiled taking the youngers hand in his.
Akaashi told him everything. From the ice cream flavor to the feeling of Bokuto. Konoha nodded turning pale as the parked. They entered the store clearing their stock of pregnancy tests.
Konoha can't recall much when the bathroom door clicked open. He only recalls the feeling of his friend falling into his embrace. The warmth of tears landing upon his arm as Akaashi wept.
" maybe it was false-"
" all five gave me two lines.. I think I'm-" sobs breaking Akaashi's sentence up as he gripped his friend closer. He was 16, still in high school, still living with his parents. He's still a kid himself. And now he'd be forced to grow up sooner than later.
The drive back was filled with silence. Both pondering the knowledge they held. Akaashi had made Konoha promise not to tell Bokuto. It was Akaashi's job to do that.
After practice the couple decided to walk together to the raven's house. Bokuto would make moves to take the second years hand. Only for Akaashi to quickly pull away.
It went on like this for two weeks. Akaashi avoiding the male till finally. Bokuto had him pinned in a corner. It was just them in the locker rooms.
" do I have cooties or something? " he asked keeping an eye on the man who stood like a deer in headlights. Akaashi had tried to leave only for the third year to slam the door shut and lock it.
" you've been acting weird for the past.. Three months or so! And now you've started avoiding me. Whats wrong Keiji? " his voice causing an unsettling feeling to grow in the raven. Akaashi cupped his mouth looking down at his feet. Just say it! He scolded himself over and over.
" if you don't like me anymore just say so" the words catching Akaashi off guard. He looked up seeing his boyfriend stepping back away from him.
" you don't have to hide it, or avoid me-"
" no! Kōtarō that's not it! " Akaashi cried out reaching for his partner. The shoulder tugged away with cold air.
" if it's not! Then what is it Keiji! Every time I go to take your hand! You pull it away! I go in for a hug! You duck under my arms! "
" I don't know how to say it to you! "
" say what? Its simple I don't like you anymore would work! "
" that's not what it is! "
" then what is it! God just say it Keiji! " Bokuto huffed racking a hand through his falling hair.
" I can't.. " matching the tears falling against the tile at their feet.
" you can't? Or won't? Just admit it-"
" I'm pregnant.." whispered against the air that was sucked out of the room. Bokuto stared wide eyed at his boyfriend. His heart sounding in his ear. Surely he heard him wrong.
" what do you mean? " his normally bubbly personality withering away with each minute. Akaashi looked from the floor to golden eyes containing a mix of emotions.
" I'm pregnant with our child Kōtarō! " he spoke louder hoping to be heard.
" that night in the backseat.. When you pulled out-"
" it ripped-" Bokuto stumbled back falling onto the bench. He held his head realizing what mistake he'd made.
The room was silent for what seemed like hours. Neither speaking as the information spilled echoed against the concert walls.
" you're getting rid of it right? " Bokuto spoke looking at the second year. The raven gasped looking at his boyfriend.
" no! It's not it's fault the condom broke! It's ours for not thinking of the outcome! " Akaashi fummed stepping in front of the male. He cupped his face making Bokuto look at him.
" it's our mistake. And if you don't want to own up to it. Then I'll be both parents. I'm not ending something cause of a tear. I'll respect what ever decision you make. But I'm keeping it. " Akaashi pressed a kiss to his boyfriends forehead. He brushes away the tears rolling down Bokuto's face with a hurting smile.
" what ever you choose I'll support you " Akaashi whispered as he was pulled into a hug.
" I'm sorry " the older feeling ashamed of himself as he stood from the bench. Bokuto kissed the raven one last time as he spoke.
" I can't be a father "
" and that's perfectly fine Bokuto-san. I'm not forcing you into this." Akaashi smiling through the heart break he felt. He knew the older had big dreams in life. This would slow him down.
" I'll be leaving first " the mother to be bowed as he unlocked the door. As his feet carried him home each step grew heavier. His heart weighing against his chest as he breathed.
When he returned home he told his parents. His father was mortified by the news. But his mother held him tight. She vowed to help him with through everything. She was his rock up until she passed.
Now Akaashi stood alone gripping the tiny girls hand tight. Her white hair was pulled into pigtails that couldn't contain the black fly aways. Her sea blue eyes lighting up as she watched her favorite volleyball team in person. She was now 6,and as gift her mother had bought tickets to the MSBY black jackals. Though it pained Akaashi to see the man again. The happiness of his daughter was able to over ride it.
While on the court Bokuto was drawn to a set of eyes watching him. As he went in for a spike he caught a glimpse of the girl. He lost his strength and landed on the ground. The ball rolling at his feet.
" Bo-kun! " Atsumu scolded flicking the spickers head.
" sorry Atsumu.." He turned away from the girl.
" MOMMY!! DID YOU SEE THAT! " the girl pointing down at the players.
" NUMBER 12 LOOKED AT ME! " she giggled jumping up and down. Akaashi sat dazed realizing who number 12 was.
" isn't that wonderful Umi" his mouth was dry, his heart was beating loud. Akaashi wasn't going to let his emotions ruin this for his daughter. Seeing her happy meant everything to him

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