Chapter Three: Layla

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We followed the Doctor while he walked over to a random flat, which Jennifer and I knew was Rose's.

We walked up the stairs, and up to Rose's door.

The Doctor we knew had been tracking one of the autons hands, that had snuck into Rose's flat with out her knowing.

The Doctor knocked on Rose's door.

Obviously, Rose answered and was surprised when she saw it was us three.

"Erm, come on in." She said, stepping out of the way so we could enter.

We walked past Jackie's bedroom, and we found her in a pink robe.

She smiled at the Doctor, who smiled back.

"There's a strange man in my bedroom." Jackie said, obviously trying to flirt.

"Yes there is." The Doctor replied.

"Well anything could happen." She replied, smiling.

The Doctor paused, then shook his head. "No." Then he walked off, leaving a disappointed Jackie to finish getting dressed.

"Do you want some tea or coffee?" Rose asked, walking into the kitchen.

Coffee's fine, just milk." The Doctor replied, looking through a magazine.

"Oh that'll never work, he's gay and she's an alien." the Doctor said to himself, throwing the magazine down.

Jennifer and I tried to hold back our urge to laugh.

The Doctor went on to a book, and flipped through all of the pages. Apparently he knew the ending just from flipping pages because he said, "Oh bad ending."

Then he flipped over a small rectangular paper.

"Rose Tyler." He said, putting the piece of paper back down.

We heard a scuttling noise, well everyone except Rose anyways.

"Do you have a cat?" The Doctor asked, looking behind the couch.

"No, we used to have one though." Rose answered oblivious to what was going to happen in 3...2...

The autons arm jumped out from behind the couch, and clamped onto the Doctors neck, trying to strangle him.

A little panic rose up in my throat, and I could tell Jennifer was a little panicky to, but we knew Rose would get the hand off of him.

Unfortunately for Rose, when she came in the hand gave up on the Doctor and clamped onto her face, causing her to fall against a wall.

Jennifer and I watched the scene play out, barely able to contain our excitement.

Finally the Doctor got the autons hand off of Rose's face.

"What the heck was that?!" Rose shouted.

Instead of answering Rose, the Doctor ran out of her apartment, and down the stairs.

Jennifer, Rose, and I immediately followed.

I knew we couldn't wait till the real fun started.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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