Your baby daddy// nicki minaj

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It was a normal night, nothing gave away that your whole life was about to change forever. Your parents were gone for the week to take a vacation for their honeymoon, and they decided you had to stay, to finish your last week of school before summer. You weren't really complaining, since you had the house to yourself. You were just setting down with a bag of your favorite snack, turning on a movie, when the doorbell rang.

Frowning, you look from the TV to the door, debating on if you should answer it. Before you can make a decision, Netflix freezes, and the Doorbell rings again. Letting out a sigh, you get up to answer it. When you finally pull back the door to see who it was, you frown. Nicki is standing on your porch, tears running down her cheeks. You weren't quite sure where you stood with her, which is why you didn't invite her over for your movie marathon. The week before, you guys were making out at her place, and then the next day she avoided you at all costs. You figured it was because she had just broken up with her boyfriend, so you gave her space. Now, here she was. Whatever was upsetting her, it didn't matter that things were awkward between you, you were going to help.

"Nicki? Come in," you pull her inside, closing the door.

She sits in silence, wiping her tears as they fall. You wait all of 2 minutes, until you can't handle the silence anymore. With a sigh, you open your arms, and just like you knew she would, she falls into them and sobs against your chest. You shush her, rubbing her back softly.

"I'm pregnant," she finally gets out, clinging to you tightly.

Your heart stops, leaving you breathless for a second, before speeding up into overdrive. She's pregnant. Shit. That means she's going to try to get back with her ex, because she's the type of person who wants her child to be raised with both parents. Putting aside your selfish desires for a second, you still know her going back to him is a horrible idea. He's an asshole, and even though she never explained why exactly they broke up, you're pretty sure it's because he hit her. There's no way he should be in her life, let alone the baby's.

"Are you sure," you have to ask, even though you know if she's telling you it means she's positive.

"I went to the clinic this morning," her tears fall faster at the memory.

"Did you tell....?" you can't bring yourself to say his name, knowing it would hurt her.

"I told him after my appointment," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut, "he said it wasn't his and that I should get rid of it."

Your blood boils at the words, and you have to resist the urge to hunt him down and kick his ass. Instead, you pull Nicki closer. She looks up at your helplessly, and you know that she's not going to get rid of it. You can see it in her eyes, hidden behind the fear and anxiety of her situation.

"What am I gonna do? My mom is gonna kill me," She shakes her head.

"I know this isn't the time, but I have to say it," you know it's now or never, someone has to step up, "I love you, Nicki. Not like your best friend, like the person who wants to spend the rest of their life with you. Let me be there for you, and the baby. I'll get a job, and I'll tell my parents and we-"

She cuts you off with a hard look in her eyes, "just stop! Look, I know you're just trying to do right by me."

You look down, unable to look her in the eyes when she rejects you again. Instead of words, you feel her fingers lift your chin to meet her watery eyes.

"I love you too," she sniffs, trying to push back her tears, "but it's different now. It won't be just us anymore, and we're barely 18. I can't let you take that on."

"I don't care," you shake your head, "Nicki you're my best friend. If being with me is too much I get it, but I'm not going to let you raise a child alone when I'm able to help."

"I do want you," she sighed, "which is why I can't be with you. That's selfish."

"Let's not argue about this," You shake your head at her stubbornness, "come on, I'll make something to eat and we can relax and forget about this mess for a couple of hours."

In the end, you guys spent the next couple of days watching Netflix and trying to figure everything out. Nicki didn't go to school, but she forced you to, much to your annoyance. Nicki told her mother, who took the news surprisingly well. She was pissed, but also supported Nicki's decision like only a mother could. Your parents had always know about your feelings for Nicki, so they were surprised when you announced that you were going to support Nicki and help out where you could, but you and Nicki were not together. Your mother was upset that you and Nicki were "braking idiot who are clearly blind" but she let it go. Your parents had you at a young age, and were able to give Nicki some guidance on some things.

It wasn't until you were at Nicki's first checkup that everything changed. Nicki was sitting on the table with her shirt up, exposing her stomach. The doctor spread some clear jelly on her stomach, and placed the wand of the ultrasound on her still flat stomach. You both look at the monitor, where the small little image of Nicki's baby is displayed. The quick thumping of it's heartbeat causes Nicki to cry, and you give her your hand as a sign of support.

"That's my baby," she whispered, looking up at you.

"That's your baby," you agree with a smile, squeezing her hand.

Her eyes widened slightly, and she looks at you oddly, before her grip on your hand tightened. She tugs you closer, and before you can think, she's kissing you. Her lips are softer than you remember, and you can feel your knees getting weak. You nearly get caught up in the moment, until the sound of the baby's heartbeat reminds you where you are. Pulling away with a confused smile, you open your mouth to ask her what she's doing, but she beats you to it.

"Our baby," she corrects herself, "this is our baby."


"Your mom came over yesterday," she sighed, "and we were talking about the baby, and I mentioned how much it meant to me that you were supporting me so much. Then, she pretty much called me an idiot for not seeing that we were basically doing what I was trying to prevent by not bein with you. So, I want to be together. Honestly I've wanted that from the jump, but I was scared. A baby is a big responsibility."

"I don't care," you shake your head, rolling your eyes at her stubborn behavior, "I would do anything for you, Nic. Even be your baby daddy."

She laughs at you, pulling you in for another short kiss, "girl you crazy. But I love you anyway."

"I love you too," you grin, looking back at the monitor, then to her again, "both of you."

*end of book*

A/n based of someone's tumbler story 🤷‍♀️

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