Chap1 ; Ep1 - Where are we?

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3rd Person POV

"Ugh... Where the hell am I?" Asks Elliott. He woke up beside his best friend in the middle of a street or sidewalk it seemed. There was a big building behind them and a small café in front of them with a few people inside.

NAME - Elliott ????

AGE - 17

PRONOUNS - He/Him but doesn't mind They/Them or It/Its

PERSONALITY - Elliott is a very outgoing person. He's more of a golden retriever and is very happy go lucky if ykwim. Although he's the happy friend, this isn't always the case. He has his moments just like everyone else ;)

APEARANCE - longish dark brown hair that he likes to keep in a ponytail. His bangs goes over his eyebrows. emerald green eyes, and darker skin tone. A bit like Lucas's but a bit darker. He also has a few scars on his arms and thighs due to the not good times he's had. He's 5'6 and has a bigger body than an average teenage male, but still has some muscle to him. (A/N Imagine Hunk from Voltron but more muscle)

CLOTHING PEFERENCE - Elliott prefers to wear larger sweaters due to him being uncomfortable with his body. He also wears sweatpants most of the time as well, although, he does have a few confidence boosts and wears t-shirts and shorts occasionally :)

NAME - Orbis

AGE - Older than your great great great grand momma probably

PRONOUNS - She/Her mostly, but sometimes her pronouns change depending on which form she chooses.

PERSONALITY - Orbis is very knowledgeable and knows a lot about the history of Canada (cuz that's where she and Elliott live and grew up) since she has been alive for many years. People would probably call her a black cat, but I would call her a crow honestly. She really likes shiny things. She doesn't remember a lot from her past including her name and age, but enough to where she remembers major events like residential schools, the black plague, etc.. she old as hell lol

APEARANCE 1 - In her main form when she's not out and about, is an orb, which is where she got her name. This form has a deep blue outer base and a darker blue, almost black, middle. She can also glow whenever she feels the need to which is a beautiful teal color.

APEARANCE 2 - This form is her human form, whenever she is outside of the house. She has pale skin with dark skinned splotches all over her body including her fingers. She has amethyst purple eyes and black hair, and a slimmer body than Elliott but is very strong. She's even got some visible muscle to her.

CLOTHING PERFERENCE - Orbis likes to wear tight sleeveless turtle necks to show off her body cuz she is very comfortable in her own skin and wants to show off her body (not in a weird way.). sometimes she will even wear a crop top or cropped hoodie! She also loves to wear chains and rings most of the time. lots of jewelry :)) most of the time she'll wear cargo pants but on a bad day, sweatpants and her favorite pink hoodie is her choice.

Elliott slowly got up and looked at Orbis but before he could speak to her, a voice called out to him a few meters to his left.

"Hey! Are you guys okay?" Elliott turned to his left see two people, one with short messy red-brown hair and the other with black slicked back hair faded into white, and a small green human like creature behind the two.

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