The Truth

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Hi guys sorry I took to long to update but here is the new chapter! Plz enjoy and I sadly don't own FT!
(Normal P.O.V)
After a couple of minutes chatting Layla has finally woken up. "Ughh! My head hurts." She said getting up slowly. Her vision was blurry but soon was clear. She looked up and saw everyone looking at her with worried faces. "Are you alright my queen?" Grandeeney said while giving her water. "Yes." Was the only thing she said because she remembered what happened earlier. Everyone was nervous. "So Lucy, Juvia..." she said while turning her head to them. "Would you care to explain?" Smiling sweetly which scared everyone. They both explained and when they were done, everybody was shocked. Especially Igneel and Layla. "Well.." The queen said awkwardly. "You have a wonderful son Igneel." She said sarcastically. "Yes. Yes I do." Was the only thing he said. Both Lucy and Juvia looked sad. "Ok, lets drop the subject and take you girls to your rooms." Said Celestia. They all nodded and headed out the door. They went to the top of the floor where their was a long hallway that goes to the left and right. "Lucy, your room will be down the left hallway and Juvia yours is the right. When you unpack meet us downstairs." Both girls smiled and nodded and headed their separate ways.

(Time Skip 10 min.)

After they unpacked the girls went to go with the others. They met them in a room with a lot of couches. This must be like a meeting room. Lucy thought. "Ok, we are here to talk about your training." Said Celestia and Grandeeney. "First Juvia, you will be learning Water Dragon Slayer magic with Misaki The Water Dragon since you use Water magic yourself." Then the blue/white haired girl they saw earlier came up to her. Juvia smiled and nodded "Juvia can't wait to train with Misaki-san." Misaki smiled "Me either Juvia! This will be fun!" She said smiling to her new apprentice. Celestia then turned to Lucy. "You will be training with me since you use Stellar Magic." "Thank you very much Celestia. We really appreciate it." Lucy said tearing up. Celestia hugged her. "No matter what Lucy, we are all here to support you and your children." She sniffed. "Anyways, should we start our training?" She said looking at Misaki. "Well that's up to them." They looked at them for an answer. "Juvia thinks the sooner the better." Lucy nodded "I agree with Juvia." Layla then spoke up "Since pregnancy lasts 9 months it will be wise to train in the Time Capsule." Lucy looked up confused. "What's that?" Grandeeney explained "It's where you can train for a long time and it will be shorter time here. For example if you were to train for 1 month it would be at least 1 day here." Both Juvia and Lucy were amazed at how that works. "So will Juvia and Lucy start training now?" She asked and they nodded. "Ok are you girls ready?" Misaki and Celestia asked. "Yes!" The girls said excited. "So here is the plan. Lucy, when your done with my training you will train with Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeeney, and 2 others of your choice. Same with you Juvia." Everyone nodded. She smiled "Then lets start now!"

Cliffhanger! K guys after this is published I will amediately start the next chapter. Plz follow, comment, and rate!

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