The Sweetest Gift

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A/N: First off, I wanna thank SluttyOli for being my beta for this fic. This fic is based on a prompt that I used from OTP prompt generator. Now, you might see some similarities between this fic and Backseat Serenade by SluttyOli but that's because we had the same prompt when we played our fanfic game where we had to write a fic in about 20 minutes! XD

Just so you know, I spell the words in my fics according to where the band came from. i.e. I use British spelling in British band fics. For this fic, I spell it in an American way because I want it to fit with who the band are. Please keep in mind that this is my very first fic, so there's gonna be a lot of boo boos in there. :( Constructive criticism is welcome. Actually, please do! :)

Here's the link if you wanna try the prompt generator:

And here's the prompt I was given:
Person A and Person B falling asleep together with their heads on the other's shoulder/head in the backseat of the car while their friend is driving.

Disclaimer: This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only. I do not make any profits from this nor do I own All Time Low or any of its members. If I did, Jalex would be real and they would have lots of babies. ;)

I have to put a disclaimer otherwise some people are gonna throw hands amd start complaining. Sorry if I talk too much about all this. I have to give people a heads up.

The title of this fic comes from the song, The Sweetest Gift by Sade. I know, it's a similar title to The Sweetest Taboo (Also by Sade), which is a banger btw (Leave me and my multi-genre arse alone). Anyways, I hope you like this fic, you lovely lot! :D


He watched as the looming buildings outside the window seemed to stretch on forever along the midnight landscape. The roads were quiet as the lights flickered against the empty streets like fireflies. The only sounds he heard were soft snoring next to him and the rumbling engine of the car.

He looked down at the person leaning on his shoulder and smiled, leaning in to kiss the top of their head. Although he was tired and he wondered when they'll arrive at the hotel, he felt calm and happy after having a fun day at the amusement park.

"Jack?" He heard a hoarse voice whisper next to him, breaking the comforting silence.

"Yeah, Lexi?" He replied as he turned his head to face his lover, Alex, whose beautiful lashes were fluttering open.
Alex sighed and tilted his head to finally meet Jack's gorgeous, brown eyes.

"The baby keeps kicking," he whispered and Jack chuckled at the thought, earning a smack to the ribs from Alex.

"Ow!" Jack yelped as he rubbed at the sore spot.

"Hmph! I need my beauty sleep!" Alex retorted with a huff.

"Then maybe you should sing it to sleep," Jack suggested, running his hand up and down Alex's waist to soothe him.

With a yawn, Alex sat up and rubbed at his eyes. "Okay, I'll try that. That is, if Rian and Zack doesn't mind," Alex said as he sent a grin to the driver's seat and the passenger seat.

"Go ahead," Rian answered with a shrug, hands drumming on the steering wheel.

"It's okay," Zack reassured as he nodded and gave them a small smile.

Alex returned the smile before clearing his throat and resting a hand on his swollen belly. He started to sing, a smooth melody escaping his lips as it traveled around the car. Jack loved Alex's voice. Everytime Alex sang, he focused on Alex's entrancing voice soothing their baby to sleep. As the song drew to a close, Alex's voiced faded into a soft whisper and the car was silent again.

Alex let out another yawn before settling against Jack's side, his head on his shoulder once again. After placing a gentle kiss to Alex's plush lips, Jack wrapped his arms around him and closed his eyes as he too, slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Well, that was short. You can find me on AO3: @ TightAsKellinsButthole

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