•*prolouge and a word from yours truly*•

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A/N: I have written yet another zodiac book (God help me). At this moment of time I am also writing my other zodiac book twelve (if you haven't read it you definitely should) so I don't really know how often I will be updating.

This story includes:

- SWEARING  (if you've read my other books you know I swear frequently)

- SEX REFERENCES (c'mon it's me of course they'll be included)

- NO SMUT (I'm simply not brave enough but there will be heavy kissing and implied sex)

- VIOLENCE (this includes death, injury and somewhat graphic descriptions)

- A SHIT TON OF ANGST (I apologise in advance)

Umm so hope you enjoy my story guys!

A LONG TIME AGO the first celestial created the five realms: the fire realm, the water realm, the earth realm, the air realm and the dark realm.

Once the first celestial was pleased with his work he took his place as ruler of the realms where he lived at the very centre of them all.

The emperor of the dark realm, kier, however, grew bitter for He craved the power the first celestial possessed. He forced war and hatred upon the other realms so the first celestial banished him far, far away.

For many a years the other realms lived in peace. The kings and queens had children and their children had children.

Everything was wonderful.

But as all good things, it wouldn't last, because the dark emperor's followers are determined to resurrect him and they won't stop until they succeed.

Not all hope is lost though, for it is written that one day a great hero will rise and form a mighty team who will destroy the emperor and save the realms.

But it's just a story...Right?

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