chapter 15

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After what happen dice fix himself up and got ready but something felt weird the powers he was given was making him feel different so dice walked to the mirror and looked and notice his eye color was changing in front of him the lime green eyes change to a icy blue dice was in shock but he liked the color

Dice: I mean the green eyes looked good on me but these blue eyes are even better my blue eyes look like a shiny diamond.
Dice walked out of his room and went down to the lobby and sat at the bar waiting for the casino to open but dice sighs and started to have flashbacks about the bitch who had sex with devil dice began to cry everyone notice because of the blue arua no one wanted to get close because it could affect them the only one who can get near dice is Lucifer but dice stop crying and felt a pair of hands on his shoulders he looked up to see Lucifer

Dice: im sorry I didnt mean to be upset im just hurt because what he did behind my back

Lucifer: my dear flower u can forget about him remember he hurt u and it was his fault after all im here for u and u can trust me I love u my dice.

Dice smiled and give his boss a hug but Lucifer notice the time and look down at dice and said to everyone

Lucifer: the casino is now open make sure the the morning goes well even if its a slow moring well my flower i must attend to my office I hope u have a good day today and remember forget him he hurt u and now u have a new place to call home.
As Lucifer walks up the stairs dice couldn't keep his eyes off of him but he had to work even if the the morning are slow 
                          Hours later
Dice feet were hurting from today's work all he wanted to Do was take off his shoes and jump in bed but one of the employees walked up to dice and said

Employee: sorry to bother but the boss wants to speak to u please follow me to his office

Dice head "I wonder why the boss wants to see me I hope I didnt do anything wrong "
As dice walked with the employee down a hallway and saw a stairway which leads to the boss office

Employee: Mr.dice his office is up these stairs and knock before u go in sometimes the boss could be talking to someone
Dice nod his head and walked up the stairs he became nervous once up the stairs he saw the door and knock dice waited til he heard " come in "
Dice spoke " u wanted to see me boss"
When the boss look up all dice saw was his blue eyes it was a little dark but dice saw him stand
Lucifer: I notice ur eye color change they fit ur better then the green eyes
Lucifer was getting close to dice and dice face began to turn red from the boss being too close then Lucifer bent down to dice level and said" my dear dice u know I can smell ur hormones I can tell u want me" dice looks at his boss with his face a dark red
Dice: "I dont know what ur talking about but yes I love the powers thank u."
Lucifer: u know what i mean dice and stop playing I know u want me to rail u i can tell and smell it, u want sex I would love to give it to u my dear dice

Dice face was a deep red and couldn't say anything he was scared but loving it at the same time.
Dice: boss im going to let myself out im tired and my feet hurt from a long day of standing i hope u understand

Dice was about to touch the door nob when he felt arms wrap around him dice gave out a little sigh and look up and saw his boss just looking down at him with a smile

Lucifer: why dont we go to my room u can rest with me I dont mind some company

Dice looked at him and shaked his head yeah and follow Lucifer to his room and once in he notice how nice it looked it was the from had a cream and gold frame but also had a white curtain that goes around the bed but dice notice the smell which made it smell good in the room it had it rose smell when he turn he notice the wall had beautiful colors of roses it was white, cream and red

Dice: I love ur room but these roses are beautiful and they smell so good

Lucifer smiled and put his hand on dice cheek with out hesitation he picks up dice and kiss him, dice didnt stop him he was in love with Lucifer everything that was bothing him disappeared after kissing him

Lucifer: so shall we head to my bed I know u would like it

Dice looked at him and smiled

Dice: I would love too, My Love

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