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After me and Pooter date I dropped him off at his house because the boys are supposed to be there later, I told him Imma come back after I go and see my uncle

after 30 minutes I arrived at my uncles house, lemme give y'all a background on him. His name is Dave, I lived wit him for about 4 or 5 years, he raised and trained me to kill and y'all probably wondering why, well my dad and uncle had enemies and they can't protect me all the time so he trained me and also wit me being my dads child I had to step up and help out

anyways I pull up to my uncle house and I see a unfamiliar car, he don't know I'm coming so hopefully it's not a bitch in here

I just walk in cause I have a key, I hear him and another voice whisper, I get closer and the voice sound familiar but I can't put my finger on it

"how my daughter doing" mystery women said

"she's doing good, she was shot not to long ago but she's better now" my uncle said

"What, man I miss her" she said

"You need to stop hiding and come to her" my uncle said

"I can't she gonna be so hurt I shouldnt have left her after the situation" she said

"No you shouldn't have but you were young and dumb" my uncle said

that's when I turned the corner and I couldn't believe my eyes, my MOM is sitting right in front of my uncle

"So you mean to tell me you been ALIVE and you wasn't gonna let me know huh and you how could you keep this away from me"

"bab-" she tried to speak

" nahhhh you don't get to call me that no more, hell nah I cried for you just for you to be alive wowwwww"

they both looking at me wit sad eyes

"fuck both of you don't text my fucking phone and don't find and mom your baby girl is longggg gone"  I said

I walked out and got in my car and drove home I can't deal with this right now.

I'm not even crying I'm done crying I'm just very very very pissed tf off

as I'm pulling up at my house I see Pooter FaceTimed me and I have to answer or he gonna worried

Pooter: Hey mamas
Me: Hey
Pooter: I thought you were coming over
Me: Yea ik but I need to be alone rn
Pooter: You want me tell the boys to leave and I come over and chill with u
Me: Yes please
Pooter: Ight I'll see you in a lil bit
Me: Okay
Call ended

I get out my car and I head to the door, I unlock my door and walk in and I shut my door and left it unlocked so Pooter can come in. I walk upstairs and get cloths ready for a shower after I hop in the shower.
After 30 minutes I'm done I grab my towel and walk out to my room and I see Pooter laying in the bed with some shorts and I see some food in the dresser

"You okay baby" he said

"Nope i just found out that my mom is alive and has been hiding out" I said

"Damn baby, well I got you some food and then we can lay down a watch a movie" he said 

"Okay baby"  I said

After I got done eating my food I went to go lay down next to Pooter as he put in Friday

As I was laying down I started to think, why would she leave? Why would my uncle keep this away from me? And why come back now?

Next thing ik i hear my phone ring and it's my uncle, even though I don't wanna talk to him it could be about the trap. I just handed my phone to Pooter cause I can't talk to him rn

"Bae can you answer this, I can't speak to him rn" I said

"Yea baby" he said

"Wassup.......nah she sleep rn........Ight I'll tell her when she wake up.......I'm not waking her up now...... whatever bye" he said

"What he want" i said

"He said he want you to come to the trap and come talk to your mom" he said

"Nah I'm good" i said

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