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Colt and you stand together in the hallway, the sound of the music ear-numbing. He seems to still be processing your words.

"Are you sure?" Colt questions. "Because I don't want it to be because whatever happened in there made you mad. I'm fine being a rebound, I just don't want to be used to get back at that guy."

You don't feel like you're using Colt. You did in fact want to have sex with him before you saw Connie and Izzy. You just didn't want to think about Connie while being with Colt.

Now you don't think that will be a problem. You're okay if you don't ever think about Connie again.

"I'm sure," you nod. "It's not to get back at him. I promise. This is for me."

Colt relaxes, his shoulders dropping a little. "Alright. Here or somewhere else?"

You look around, knowing all the rooms are probably filled with teenagers already having sex. There's not enough time for you to decide though, because Connie has thrown open the bedroom door, trying to adjust his shirt.

"Connie wait!" Izzy shouts as he walks out. "Seriously?"

Connie doesn't look back, or even react to her words. You and Colt watch as Connie comes up to you both, face annoyed and eyes on yours.

"Come with me" He stops in front of you.

You glance over at Colt and he seems to take the message. "Rain check," he smiles thinly and takes off.

"I don't have anything to say to you," you let out a sigh and cross your arms over your chest. "I thought I made that clear. And it seems you don't have anything to say to me either."

You turn to walk off, but Connie grabs onto your hand and pulls you into Porco's dads office. He shuts the door and leans against it.

"Let me out," you huff.

Connie shakes his head. "I heard what you had to say and now I think I deserve to be listened to as well."

You guess you owe him that. You did kind of overwhelm him with your feelings and harsh words, then silence him with sex.

"Go on," you lean against the desk. "Talk."

Connie rubs his forehead with his hand, looking defeated. You can see he's not okay and over the past two weeks he hasn't been himself. He's been the quiet one in the group which is not like him. He'll be the last one to practice and the first one heading home. You only know because you can see the field from the library. You wish you didn't not ie these things, but it's hard not too.

"I'm pretty messed up right now," he breathes out.

"Yeah I can see that," you scoff, thinking about his choice of company.

He leans his back against the door and slides down, wrapping his arms around his knees and clasping his hands together. "I don't like how I feel these days. Im not myself."

You feel the edge of the desk dig into the muscle beneath your butt. Your shoes look rather intriguing at the moment, but that's because you don't know how to look Connie in the eyes so you're finding absolutely anything else to look at.

"Not sure what that has to do with me," you mumble, digging your heels into the ground.

"It has everything to do with you, y/n. Every goddamn thing," he pushes the back of his head into the door and groans.

"Well then I'm not sure what you want me to do about that," you inspect the way your boots zip up your calfs.

Connie scoffs with amusement. "I find it hard to believe that you're not sure about something. I know you're a girl who knows everything. Little miss know-it-all is just one of your nicknames, after all."

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