A Misunderstanding

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"OH THIT!" A scream came from the yellow blood as he slammed into a tree, which made a laugh bubble out from between a small violet bloods lips "Oh! Are you ok Mit?!" He ran over to find the psiionic in a heap under a bush "Ya Cro, I'm OK." He said standing up and leaning on the others head "Heheh thorty." The smaller growled under his breath "I'm going to be taller then you one day Tuna. Just you wvait!" He laughed "Then it vwill be I, wvho leans on you!" The yellow blood pushed the other Playfully "Of courth Cro." He took a step and hissed "Oh, ow... My ankle... Cro, I think I twithed it..." The violets eyes widened and moved back over to the Yellow blood "Don't vworry, let's go back to my hive... Vwe can get you patched up there OK?" They began to walk, in an unsteady awkward limp like shuffle. The psiionic looked down at the shorter "Hey Cro?" The other focused on the path ahead, not wanting to fall "Yea Tuna?" "I love you." "Heh, Lowve ya too."

-present day-

Cronus took a long drag of his cigerette. Blowing out the toxic smoke, he slumped against a tree, in a long forgotten memory. A long forgotten Dream bubble is more like it. His eye lids lowered, over blank, milky eyes. The colour drained long ago. Not a sound, save for the distant ruffle of leaves, and the looping voices a little ways off. This was one of his most treasured memory's of the yellow blood. And one of the last, as he used to be. He vaugly remembered what happened after they had gone home, but it was not enough to make a legit bubble out of it. Bits and pieces were fabricated in, and sewn together, so he stayed away. But this memory, this one was all the same. He remembered it as clear as day. But only he did. Mituna did not. He forgot everything. He forgot Cronus, he forgot how in love they were, he had forgotten what that teal blood had done. It infuriated Cronus. His love turned to hate. But it didn't stay that way, he couldn't help but love this Mituna. This one that stumbled and fell, cursed out every curse word in the book at the slightest thing, just like the one he had before. He loved him, just like he had before, perhaps even stronger.

Mituna lied. He lied often. But his biggest lie, was to Cronus. He lied about forgetting him. He had to. He knew it wasn't fair, but it was for the others own good. He hated to see how much the other changed. The violet blood had been such a nerd. He loved magic, and trolldisney movies. He was so much happier then. They both were. But when he had 'lost' his memory of everything, it all changed. He missed Latula, and had forgotten that she broke his heart. Only a week after, did he remember Cronus. He cried a lot about forgetting his preciouse seadweller, and blamed it on stubbing his toe, or losing an item. It was worsened when he saw what became of his little wizard. Cronus had grown, that much was expected, but the way he carried himself, acted, and dressed. It was all to much for the small yellow blood. He couldn't let the other know. Not then at least. But now... Finding the right bubble, that was a hard task, gaining enough trust from Cronus not to kick him out of it, that was an almost impossible task.

It was fall. The sounds of a distant skateboard, and pounding feet against concrete hung heavily over the landdwellers head. He didn't exactly remember this memory, but with the way it was preserved on the inside, and how guarded the bubble was, he assumed it was very important to the seadweller. He walked along the path a bit longer, and spotted him. And the seadweller spotted him as well. His cigarette as flicked from his fingers and he frowned "vwhat do you vwant Mituna?" His tone was harsh, how dare this... Thing invade on his property. He needed to leave. The skateboard was getting closer. The yellow shrugged "I gor, got lotht." Cronus did not look impressed "Look I don't care so just get out of here before-"

"OH THIT!" A flash of yellow split between them, as a copy of the yellow blood standing only a foot away, crashed into a tree. Cronus' eyes widened "Get out! Get out now!" He seemed even more angry at Mituna, who watched in curiosity "Ith... Ith that me? From... Beforeeee?" He ended with a slight pull of his 'e' and Cronus glared "I said-" "Oh! Are you OK Mit?!" Mituna watched as a copy of the violet blood followed the same path as his copy. Tuna giggled "Awww, you were tho timy...tiney...ti... Thmall." Cronus was purple with anger "Mituna. I'm only going to warn you one last fucking time. Get. Out. Of. My. Bubble." The yellow blood smiled and dared to tease the other pressing the boundaries on his 'forgetful state' "And what if I don't?" Cronus looked shocked "Did... Did you just-" "Oh, Ow! My ankle... Cro, I think I twithed it..." Almost too late. Cronus wheeled the other yellow blood around, and began to push him out of the bubble "Go away!" Tuna flipped around and shook his head "No way Cro. I wanna remember how thith one endth." The seadweller mearly stood off to the side as his and the landwellers copy's walked along the path towards them "Hey Cro?" "Yea Tuna?" "I love you." "Heh, Lowve ya to."

"Oh..." The yellow blood turned to the violet "Thee! That wathnt tho... Uh... Cronuth?" The violet blood was in tears "Hovw could you!? Hovw dare you!" Mituna stepped closer to him "Cro... Lithten... Thereth... Thomething I need to tell you..." He looked up sharply "Wvhat could you possibly vwant." Mituna gave him a sad look "I'm thorry." Cronus growled "I don't care. Just get the fuck out." Mituna sighed and went to exit "Hey, Cronus." "Wvhat?" ".... I thtill love you."

Hopping out of the bubble, Mituna sighed in defeat. He knew Cronus was in that bubble, other having a fit of rage, or crying. Little did he know, it was both. He knew it was a risky option, and an even riskyer way to do it. But even so, he knew he still loved the grease stain. It was just a matter of time. But for now, it was just a misunderstanding.


Yes, I know it sucks. But please, this is the first Crotuna I've written. I usually do Erisol.

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