Small Anouncement

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Book priority:

This means much attention a book will receive from me

1- First Priority, will get updated at least once a week or more, rarely will it not get updates.

2- Second Priority, might get an update 1-2 weeks, maybe more.

3- Don't be surprised if it doesn't get updated in a month, or two.

Other Books:

- "A SUPERNATURAL occurrence", a Supernatural fanfiction, priority 2

-"The Will", a Star Wars fanfiction, priority 2

-"Promise?", a BNHA/MHA fanfiction, priority 2

-"I was reincarnated as what?" (unfortunately discontinued, and replaced by an incoming new book)

Check out my other books, if I see more support for then, then they'll get more updates, and even a priority update.

Plus I get the dopamine and serotonin, which makes me happy, which in turn makes me want to update more, which will make you happy.

New books:

These past week, I had a lot of inspiration, just not for the already published books.

-"I'm not Loki!", a Young Justice fanfiction, no, it doesn't have anything to do with the Marvel Loki, the comic book one or movie one, but y/n is a trickster.

-"Save the world they said! It'll be easy they said!", the new Naruto fanfiction, it'll be published today, probably, it'll have 4 chapters.

-"This is a neat fanfiction!", a Ben Ten fanfiction, I grew very nostalgic all of a sudden, and watched some Ben Ten, least to say grown up Ben is SUCH A DILF!

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