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(Everyone else is gone shopping at this time but will come back)
J: What do u wanna do?
P: How about we have a small party?
J: Sure, why not.
P: YAY!!!!
~~~~<later on>~~~~
(They are drunk)
J: you know I have loved you longer then I have loved that bitch Elsa. I was just with her to make you jealous.
P: well I was just with Flynn to make you jealous.
~jack lifts Punzie up on the counter and they start making out. Everyone else comes home~
M: Where are those two. ELSA, COME HERE!!!!
H: oh my fucking God Jack and Punzie are so dead.
E: ok what do you wan......~starts to cry and runs away hiccup runs after her~
M: Jackson overland Frost you are in huge trouble ~takes a picture of Punzie and jack then sends it to Flynn. Then walks over to them and pulls them apart also slapping Jack.~
~Flynn runs in the door and punches Jack in the face~
F: thanks for texting me that my EX girlfriend was cheating on my when we we're together. BYE!!!
~Flynn leaves~
A: please and Dare us, but please excuse me I have to go and comfort my sister with hiccup. JACKSON DON'T COME NEAR MY SISTER ANYMORE!!!!

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