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Hello, before we start I'd just like to say, I understand that this story will contain shipping and I understand that if this book makes the CC (content creator) feel uncomfortable then I will take this book down as I understand that the CC's are human beings with their own emotions etc.

Shipping their personas not the actual person.

Ships included in this story:



Possible mentions of Dreamnotfound


If you don't like any of these ships above then you know where the door is :)

I will not ship any Minors (eg Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, etc) as they are underage and it would just be wrong to ship minors.

The art on the cover of this book is NOT mine. I simply found it from google. Credits to the artist who made that fanart. 

This is my second book. I'm not the best but I'll try my hardest to make this, and more books better than my first one.

Possibly slow updates. 

Please think before you send something in the comments as it could potentially come down as hurtful and mean to some people. 

I will put TWs (Trauma Warnings) before starting any chapter. Please let me know if I miss anything! 

I will try to make this story as enjoyable as I possibly can.

SBI (Sleepy Bois Inc) and DT + BBh (Dream Team + Badboyhalo) are included in this story!

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