Chapter 2

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Gore warning

The next morning, I woke up with a bright light shining in my face. I opened my eyes to see Chronostasis looking at me.

'Follow me' he ordered. I got up quickly and started following him down a corridor until we ended up in a lab where Overhaul was sitting in a chair by a desk.

'Y/N, go sit in the chair' overhaul ordered. I went and sat in the chair while Chronostasis started strapping me down.

'You have 2 quirks right?, Rewind and Vanish?' Overhaul asked while putting in a purple liquid into a needle. I nodded my head as a reply.

Overhaul wrote down a few things in his notebook and then without warning stuck the needle into me.

I started screaming, I've never experienced so much pain before in my life. I started crying from the pain begging for him to stop. He didn't. He did all the experiments without remorse.While Chronostasis was just staring and taking notes.

After injecting the needle into me, he got a knife and started cutting my leg open and watching me rewind my wound to close without even realizing what I was doing.

He cut me over and over again all over my body. Some of the wounds I was able to heal using my quirk but some I wasn't as I was exhausted and in a lot of pain.

After 2 hours of him cutting me open, he decided that he wasn't done and also need blood from me.

Overhaul took way too much blood than what he was supposed to take. I felt even worse now adding being nauseous to being in pain and exhaustion.

He injected another purple liquid into me before instructing Chronostasis to take me back to my room.

Chronostasis bandaged me up with the harshest gauge material I have ever felt, then unstrapped me picking me up and taking me back to my room with Eri.

As soon as he put me down, he left to go back to do more research with Overhaul based on the blood he took and the experiments he did on me.

As soon as he left I bursted into tears. I had no words for what torture I went through. Eri was hugging me trying to comfort me the best way she could.

'It's ok, calm down, I'm here.' Eri whispered to me in my ear calming me down while hugging me.

I was so exhausted and sore from today that I ended up falling asleep in Eri's arm and soon after she also fell asleep with me.

Overhauls POV

I was fascinated looking at Y/N's cells from the blood samples I took from her. Some of her cells were disappearing permanently while others were disappearing temporarily and then appearing again.

'I just know that with Eri and Y/N I'll be able to make the quirk erasing bullet' I thought to myself.

There was no dway I was going to let them go easily, I needed them to work out how to make these bullets and I'll make sure that nobody takes them away from me.

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