♥️•Chapter Four•♥️

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    Eventually the two of you made it to the library still arm and arm but you didn't even notice the dirty looks or even looks of concern people would give you and  Valentine as you walked past, but Valentine sure as hell did he did his best to ignore them but he just couldn't he took you to the far back of the library a place not many monsters went so the both of you were practically alone
   You took a sit at a table and Valentine took a sit in front of you but you didn't complain it gave you an excuse to look at him but quickly conversation struck between the two of you "So Doll where do you want to start first?" He asked standing up and grabbing a few books then handing them over to you. Something you noticed is they all where loved based, Was that on purpose...? No not at all but he did make a move in the Theater... You pushed the thought away and picked out one of the books he smiled and started to talk about it
  Your attention didn't leave him a Moment while he was speaking the way he seemed so passionate about it gave you joy at this moment he didn't seem like the Valentine you first meet his smooth southern accent even fading off to a more dork nerdy voice. You couldn't help but find this the most cutest thing in the world but quickly Valentine stopped himself and started reading some of the poems to you  going back to his Smooth Accent but as he read sometimes he would just look right at you and recite the poems

"skin as soft as a ghosts kiss"

Valentine started to slowly lean forward and so did you you couldn't help it his looks his hypnotic voice everything about him only drew you closer

"Eyes as bright and elegant as a full Moon" His voice getting softer as slid his hands over yours pulling it close to him. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks 

"(Y/N) I-" 

"RING RING RING" The sound off the bell signaling that lunch was over rang interrupting Valentine as he spook he gave a soft frown and pulled away from you part of you wanted to grab his hands back but you didn't. Something you knew you would regret heavily later
   Valentine stood up and spoke "Well i should get you to your next class Darlin" He said giving you his arm once more he lead you to your next class

(Time skip brought to you by Valentine yelling at his mom to get off the line)

The bell rang for last period Valentine was waiting for you out side your class room "How do you get home Doll?" He asked "Oh I ride the bus". Quickly dread filled your mind  at the idea of having to ride the bus home I mean getting here was already worse enough now you have to go home- "I'll take you home if you want you'll get home a lot faster and besides" He took a step closer to you he was now inches away from you "I can't let something as beautiful as you ride alone with all those idiots can I?" He said looking down at you. You blushed and looked away making him chuckle he took your arm and started to lead you to the schools parking lot he lead you to his car

 You blushed and looked away making him chuckle he took your arm and started to lead you to the schools parking lot he lead you to his car

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(His car Because he has class ;))
He opened the passenger car door for you. You smiled and quickly took a sit inside once he got in he started the car and all that good stuff he also asked where you lived you told him and he nodded and started to drive he also turned on the radio the song Lovesong by Cure started playing. The two of you talked almost the whole  car ride talking about your day and just cracking jokes  anything that came across your mind and the same for Valentine it felt great to have this connection to someone to able to say whatever you wanted but soon you ended up at your house you opened the car door to get out but before you could take a step out his car  Valentine grabbed your arm making you look at him and he spoked  "Darlin...This is prolly the best day I have ever had at that awful school and I just...I need you to promise me something" You sat back down and looked at him and smiled kindly "Of course Val, What is it?" He looked right into your eyes and spoke "Promise you won't go?" You held his hand and still with out breaking eye contact you spoke "I promise Val" he let go of your arm and nodded softly smiling you got out the car and shut the door "Well See you Tomorrow Princess" he said causing you to blush deeply watching as he drove away once he was out of sight you made your way inside smiling to yourself but you couldn't help but wonder

"What did he mean with that question..?"

Promise You Won't Go? (Kieran Valentine X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now