Chapter 8. Professional Courtesy

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Dr. Dan Scott burst through the door of the mission house, to a solemn scene. David was leading Ruby Mae and John Holcombe, Jr. in prayer. A large stockpot of water and water bottles simmered on the stove.

"Amen," David hastily ended.

"Where is he?" asked Dr. Scott.

A door creaked open, and Mrs. Alice stood in the frame. "He's in here, Dan." Her face was pale and tear-streaked, her expression grim.

Dr. Scott clutched his leather bag and stepped past Alice, pausing briefly to steel himself.

Christy was curled up next to Neil, crying softly.

Dr. Scott went to the other side of the bed and began examining his mentor.

"He has been in and out of consciousness since we pulled him out of the creek. I was afraid to try to set his leg," Alice said stoically as she walked over to them.

"Shallow respirations. Weak pulse. Dilated pupils. How long was he in the creek?" asked Dan without looking up. His tone was detached and clinical.

Alice sighed, and he thought her heard her suppress a whimper. "We think four hours," Alice answered and then, under her breath, "too long."

"Dr. MacNeill?" Dr. Scott was pulling out his stethoscope as he spoke.

"You and I both know men who have been trapped out in the cold longer. You've got to work with me, though."

"Och, did...did I...pisshh...p-piss mehself?"
Neil's head lolled weakly towards Christy as he spoke.

Mrs. Alice immediately understood. "It's just the warmth from the water bottle. Major arteries are located between--well you know."

Christy felt herself blushing, despite her tearful, worried state.

Any other time they all would have broken into laughter at poor Neil's expense.

Dan  placed the stethoscope over Neil's broad chest.

"Damn! Alice--I need you."

Christy stopped crying and raised her head. "What is it?"

Suddenly Neil began coughing and gasping for breath. He thrashed and tried to push himself up with his arms, covers falling to reveal his bare torso. Dan placed a hand on his back and gently lifted him upright and Alice placed two pillows behind him.

"Can't br-b-breathe," Neil rasped, his eyes wide in panic.

"His lungs are filling with fluid," said Dr. Scott. "Pulmonary edema. Could be rewarming shock. Could be internal injury. You were right to wait on setting his leg. He probably would have gone into shock then and there."

"What do you need?" asked Alice.

"Ruby Mae! John!" shouted Dr. Scott, but Ruby Mae was already in the room, having heard the commotion. John soon joined her in the doorway.

"Get Christy out of here."

At this, Christy shrieked, "NO! No please Dr. Scott." If these truly were her husband's last moments she wasn't going to leave him now.

"She. Stay," Neil gasped weakly.

Dr. Scott sat on the edge of the bed so he was at Neil's level.

"You know what I need to do."

Eyes tightly closed, Neil nodded, wheezing.

"Alright. Mrs. MacNeill can stay, but I warn you, this is not gonna be no picnic. Alice, help me prepare my tools," Dr. Scott said, eyes still on his patient. "We have to draw out the fluid. And we may have to do it several times until the shock abates."

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