Chapter 5

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By Monday was back at school like nothing even happened

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By Monday was back at school like nothing even happened. I spotted Trevor and Melanie sitting on the grass outside and from what I could see Trevor told his bitch to knock it off.  With my tote bag over my shoulder, I walked into my Music production class and zoned in closely to what was going on. Class was out in an hour and I got out and saw Celia waiting for me outside the class. She hooked her arm with mine and we kissed each other's cheeks.

"You got any other classes today?" She asked.

"No but Shoot and I gonna hit the studio to work on some stuff we got going on. You could come and listen. Maybe throw a verse or two?" I nudged her making her roll her eyes.

"I can't even sing like you, the only thing I could probably do is make music to shake ass too." She said twerking like looking back at it.

"That sells, as long as the beat on point." I assured her. " I thought you might be with bully." She shook her head.

"He's busy with Dave handling some business. He's picking me up in about an hour. Speaking of Dave..." she started and I immediately rolled my eyes even though my mind had images of him engraved in every memory.

"Nothing happened. He let me stay in his guest room because of what happened. He and Shooter came with me to my place to make sure it was safe. Trevor was in my closet and I told him off." I'm remembered to leave the part about me bussin a cap in his leg.

"Damn, I know you had a thing for him but you good." She asked.

" Im fine. David checked on me once in a while to make sure he wasn't bothering me no more. He's cool." I commented mindlessly shrugging my shoulder.

"I think he likes you." Celia gushed. " you got to admit, he's very attractive." She nudged me as we finally got out to the lawn and walked down the path.

"He's ight." I said monotonously. " He's got a baby and a bitchy baby mama. I don't have any time that kind of drama." I said sitting down on the grass with her.

"Dave and his baby mama not together no more. Bully told me he and her fell out of love or some shit like that. But he does his part you know." None of what she was telling me was news to me. I knew all of that already from my time in David's apartment.

I felt my phone buzz and I looked for it in my tote bag and seeing the notification was text from David. I chose to ignore it in order for Celia not to get any ideas about what was happening between us. I put it in my bag again before hearing it ring now.

"David?" I said as soon as I answered my phone. Celia's eyes looked like they ere going to pop out of her head.

" I texted you." He said sounding like he was not pleased.

"I'm at school and I'm busy." I lied. I was confused why he was calling me out of no where.

" No, I can see you right now, you sitting on the grass with Cece." I looked around for him and I could find this giraffe looking brother no where. "I'm in the Dodge, we rode to your place in. Tell Cece, bully is here to pick her up." I looked at the parking lot that was a little away from us and saw him leaning against his truck.

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