Faerie Rings

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Maybe my eyes are tricking me, maybe it's just a hallucination. There can't really be a faerie standing in front of me, right? I thought grandma protected this forest, I thought Dad drove them all out. This can't be real, can it?


Oh gods, it's talking to me.

"Uh... Hi?" I shouldn't have responded, now my death is certain. The faerie approaches. I should step back, run away, do anything but stand still, but I can't move.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm Ambrose," it- or he, I suppose- says with a smile. It's a pretty smile, one that can be seen in his deep brown eyes, one that stretches his perfectly pink lips, one that makes his rosy cheeks raise a bit.

"I'm Atlas," I say, offering a hand to Ambrose, maybe some kind of agreement to be civil. He meets my palm with his, wrapping his long, thin fingers around my hand, asking it lightly. His skin is soft, smooth, pale and warm.

After all my family has been through, it feels wrong to be talking to a faerie of all creatures. And even worse, he's a pretty faerie. One I don't think I could hurt even if I wanted to, too scared of causing harm to such a beautiful thing. I know Dad would love to rip out those gorgeous obsidian eyes, he would consider it revenge for grandpa. But I don't see it that way. That... thing is already dead, has been for a long time. There's no point in killing this one.

"You're pretty," I say, almost surprised by my own boldness and bravery in this situation. Ambrose's face flushes red as he looks down at the ground.

"Thank you," he responds, "you're pretty handsome yourself."

Now it's my turn to blush, but I don't avert my gaze, instead staring straight at Ambrose. It's hard to look away, I'll admit.

"We should see if we can, like, I don't know, hang out sometime?" He proposes shyly, rubbing the back of his neck, his fluffy black hair falling into his eyes.

"I actually have some time before I have to go back home," I tell him, trying my best to not sound awkward. Ambrose perks up, a childlike, joyful sparkle in his iris. He grasps my hand from my side and starts running, weaving through trees and nearly tripping over roots until we reach a field full of flowers and tall grass. We slow down to a sort of strolling pace, pushing aside the foliage to reach the midpoint of the meadow, where there sits a large, spiraling ring of mushrooms in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Ambrose stops right before the first circle.

"This is a-"

"Fairy ring. I'm familiar with them, this forest used to be covered with them," I interrupt, although I don't intend to be rude. Ambrose smiles again, a polite smile, telling me that he appreciates my knowledge.

"Yep! This is the only one left, the only portal to our realm in this forest. Would you like to come see?" He offers, hope clear on his face. I know the rules of their realm, it's been drilled into my head since I could talk. I've also been told to never go there in the first place, but what's life without a little fun?

"Yes, yes I would," I agree. It's a stupid decision, but the adrenaline in my veins makes it hard to reason.

"Let's go, then!" Ambrose says excitedly, gripping my hand tighter and prancing to the center of the spiral, pulling me along with him.

And then I black out. 

Faerie Garden (...we'll work on that title)Where stories live. Discover now