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Tucker is sitting behind a dumpster in a grimey alley, waiting for his green beloved to walk out of her apartment building. He has been waiting eroticly for several hours.

She finally walks out in the middle of the day, as beautiful as she could ever be, when Tucker sprung out.

"Tucker Carlson here!" he pulls out a microphone from....somewhere. "On behalf of fox news can i interview you?"

"Sure thing, just walk and talk with me darling. I've got places to be and people to see.'' She pulls a pair of her designer gucci sunglasses out of her purse and very eloquently puts them on.

Tucker licks his lips. "Everyone at fox is wondering one thing about you, do you have a crush on pete davids-" he looks down at her footwear.

She's not wearing her tall sexy boots 😲😲😲 this makes tucker very mad.

"Why arent you wearing your sexy tall boots??? 🥺🥺🥺??."

"Wearing tall boots all the time is tiring for my legs, but im still a girlboss in my sneakers." she smiled and kept walking. This angered tucker.

"No one is ever going to want to take you out for a drink if you look like that." he angrily said.

They stopped at the crosswalk.

"Well im a busy woman, it would be surprising if i take anyone out for a drink." she looked both ways then crossed the street, tucker in tow.

"The goal must be 'the less sexy the better' is tjhat correct? Is that what your goal is here?!?"

She sighed and looked at her watch. "It was nice chatting with you but I'm afraid I have to leave. Please don't follow me or I will have to unleash security on you. Ta ta darling!" she sashayed into a tall building.

The green m&m is a girlboss, therefore Tucker evaporated out of anger.

But he would be back, sadly enough. 

Tucker carlson x the green m&m (unrequited love)Where stories live. Discover now