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Small Little A/N 

Hiiii!! This first chapter does get a bit gruesome but i'll put up a warning when the time comes. This starts as 3rd person POV but it wont be like this forever I promise OwO anyway, CREDIT TO THE ARTIST!! OKAY START READING!!!

It all started 15 years ago. Y/N, her Mother, and her Father had gone to Katherines Pizza Palace. It was great at first only a few bumps and bruises but it was a party for a bunch of screaming little kids, cant expect less then a few scratches!

Y/N "Mommy! Daddy! Can i go see Katherine with Milly? pleeaaasee!"  

Milly was Y/N's new fried she hade met while playing around the place.

Y/N's M&D "okay but be back in an hour okay?"


Before they got another word Milly and Amber had already run off to play with other kids their age. But little did they know, Amber might not survive long enough to last another hour.

(M) "come on come on!! lets go back there!" she pointed to the back room.

(Y/N) "No!No!No! i am NOT going back there, its to creepy"

(M) "Chicken"

(Y/N) "FINE. But only if you go too!"

(M) "Okay then"

They stepped into the room and saw that it was just as creepy as Amber thought. Milly pushed Y/N along. 

??? "what do you pretty little ladies think your doing back here?"

(M) "uhm-"

(Y/N) "i-im sorry we were just wandering around- my name is Amber and t-this is Milly"

??? "well since you young ladies told me your names ill tell you mine.. i'm" he thought for a moment then said "The Purple Guy"

(Y/N) "you aren't mad at us are you..?"

(P) "of course not, say! How would you girls like to meet Katherine up close?"

(Y/N&M) "YES PLEASE!" the two yelled in sync

He walked them up to a door in the room and walked them through. It was a room with no windows a single light hanging from the top, and the only other door was the one they walked through. He told them to wait in the room and he would be right back with Katherine. He walked in a few moments later leading in a 8 foot tall Cat animatronic. She had beautiful Teal eyes, White silky fur with teal stripes, poofy white and teal ears, turquoise hair (the style is a lot like Luna from Helluva Boss just Turquoise instead), a black crop top, blue ripped jeans, and her claws were painted black to match. Something however was off about her usual look though. Did something about her change? Thats when Y/N realized, that was NOT her favorite robot.. instead she had black eyes and small. white. pupils.

(P) "Hey kiddos! Look who i brought"

(M) "Wooaaah"

(Y/N) "hi katherine, how are you?"

(K) "i-i-im fine how about you Am-Amber"

(Y/N) "im alright thank you"

(P) "im gonna go now, you three talk for a bit"

Trigger Warning!!! There is a bit of gore in this next part!!! You Have Been Warned!!

He left and the three talked. Shortly after he left though Katherine started getting weirder.. creepier if you will. She then asked them if they wanted drinks. Milly being oblivious said yes and Y/N was pressured into getting one aswell. Milly was two gulps in and she fell to the floor, Y/N freaked out but Katherine tried to drag her away. But when Y/N refused grabbed her by the head.. and the sound of bones cracking and snapping alerted Katherine to cover Y/N's mouth before she screamed. The purple man came in and saw that he had gotten two instead of the original target. He was aiming for Milly to be the only dead child but instead he found a barely breathing Y/N and a limp, lifeless Milly on the floor. Y/N's entire left side of her head was caved in, bleeding, and if it weren't for her parents looking around and asking kids where they were, she would have died then and there, on that cold, concrete floor where countless children were murdered before. 

(Time Skip Brough to you by "i am still beautiful.. right? *Roxy crying Noises* FrEdDy gEt oUt oF mY rOoM")


Am i in the hospital.. I can hear people talking, but I can't do so. My head hurts so bad. Hold on a second.. i can hear them talking! 

(M&D) "our daughter is she gonna be okay!?"

(Doctor) "i'm sorry we can't keep her here, its nearly impossible for her to even wake up let alone make a full recovery without it being extremely difficult for her to even communicate with other human beings.. we have to disconnect her life support. She can't be saved in this condition"


That's when it all went dark. I woke up a little while later thinking about how i was supposed to be dead but.. i looked around and i see the.. inside of Katherines Pizza Palace? Its been burned from the inside i can tell.. look at all the blackened streamers and fairy lights.. how could anyone do this.. i look down at my hands and see. The same hands that crushed my skull..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HAHAHA CliffHanger-chan found you! However this is my very first book and i do hope you guys enjoy it as much as i enjoy writing it! Although i wont be posting a chapter every day i will try to get one atleast every week if you guys like it (or when i feel like it). Schools a B-quack- right. anyway have a good Day/Night/Morning/Afternoon/Evening! Thank you so so so so much for reading my dreadful little book bye guys! im_a_simp_247_LOL is out!

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