Part 12

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Harry was bored. Bored out of his mind. He was pretty sure he was going to rip every strand of hair out of his head if he didn't fine something to occupy his attention.

Sadly for Harry, Louis wasn't home yet. He went out earlier to pick up a few things they needed so Harry was all alone.

Bored and dying for anything to happen. He honestly felt that scampering to kill a bug would be more exciting then just sitting on the couch like he was right now.

He walked around their flat and stopped by the doors that led to their spacious back yard. He saw that Louis still had his football stuff set up from playing with Niall and Zayn a couple of days ago.

Why not? Harry couldn't play nearly as good as Louis, well he really couldn't play at all but he desperately needed something to do.

So he ran upstairs to change into football clothes, changed from his house slippers into his cleats and headed to their back yard to play.

Harry walked outside picking up the ball and walking to the middle of the field. He heard Louis pull up in their driveway, happily scurrying to the gate to see Louis hop out of his Range Rover.

Louis had his own car, one that fit his size. But he loved driving Harry's car. He loved using anything of Harry's. He loved wearing anything of Harry's. His stuff was just so inciting. And big. (no pun intended)

"Hey babe. What are you doing back there?"

Louis asked walking through the garage with the bags into the house and inside the kitchen.

Harry walked back inside to the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist from behind as he unpacked the bags.

"I was just going to play some football. I was really bored and needed something to do."

"You? Playing football? Haz no offense but you can't play. You would of pissed yourself off."

Harry sighed, resting his chin on Louis' shoulder.

"You're right. So come play with me Tomlinson. You can teach me all you know so I can get better."

Louis giggled, swiveling around and connecting their lips and a light kiss.

"Okay I'll go get my stuff."

Harry smiled running outside to go make sure everything was in the correct place for Louis.


"Okay you start with the ball."

Louis said kicking it lightly to Harry's feet. Harry took a deep breathe, starting to run with the ball. He was doing pretty well until his pigeon toed feet tripped over each other, Harry slipping on the ball. He fell to the grass, landing right on his bum.

"Aw shit that hurt!"

Harry cursed, standing up rubbing his bum. Louis was across the field laughing at just how clumsy and cute his boyfriend was. Harry wasn't very good at sports in general but it was so cute to see him try.

"Walk it off babe it's okay just try again. Here kick me the ball."

Harry kicked the ball over to Louis, it going too high for him to kick back so he chest bumped it, to a knee touch, then back down to his feet. Harry scoffed running towards Louis to try and get the ball.

Him and Louis started running fighting each other to get the ball. Harry tried to to kick the ball but ended slipping up. He tripped over the back of his ankle, falling to his side.

Louis burst into laughter, Harry joining in.

He was probably the clumsiest person Louis has ever met in his life. Harry could just be leaning against something and slip.

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