Lies Of Ellie- chapter one

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So, you know when you hate something that you honestly have to do? Because, if you didn't then it had consequences after? Yeah, imagine that times a thousand. And then, picture me in that form.

I'm Ellie.

But you can call me El, for short.

But don't call me Manning. That reminds me of my family. And I DON'T want to be reminded by THEM.

So, why am I writing about this?

Good question.

Because I lied.

And I fell like shit for it too.

Lesson learned don't lie.

Because, karma will ALWAYS get you back. and if you've had karma it sucks. trust me.

So, here's my story on why I lied.

Pretty simple but who wants simple when you can get complicated?

Well, your in for a ride now...


So it all started on November. The few months before that sucked. Big time.

And well I had to go throw it.

You know, when your family has a crisis? I had that. a big one too.

But before that, let me tell you about why my few months before that sucked.

I will be simple, it won't surprise you, and if it does well... I'm sorry it does.

I was bullied.

Not complicated as I sort of told you before. Simple-dimple.



Bullshit on those people.

So it started in ninth grade.

Yeah I know it seems almost everything started ninth grade.

Well, in ninth grade, I snapped at a person I probably shouldn't have. and boy should I have just gone to bed at the time I was suppose to, I wouldn't have been snappy. actually I would've just been snappy and grumpy. but I never showed I was or anything off. I was better in the back not Noticeable and just stuck to the wall.

Yeah, well that morning, Bert Shelby, the most loved boy in the class was being a show off, the class clown of the class at that moment, and he was throwing stuff, not at me but in my general direction because i was sitting by the trash can, but being the mean and snappy person as i was i told him to grow up and well that didn't settle well with his girlfriend that was sitting on his desk. 

The infamous Julie Blue.

Everyone loved her. She was the nicest. 

Until you messed with her friends and family, and her boyfriend. That's something everyone learned after what happened to me. They learned quick. 

Soon enough i asked my counselor that also knew the whole thing about the whole situation, which by the way she never did anything about, i asked her to send me to the best school in town. Well, it was like three hours away from where i was situated at. 

That was in Ninth grade when i had enough. The counselor took her sweet ol' time. And here i am almost— no scratch that am a junior in high school, still bullied knowingly no one stopping it by the way. 

Until she called me into her office. 

Giving me the great and life changing news in my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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