The whole poing of the story- chapter 12

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{Chapter 12}
[Derry, Maine | 12:00 p.m. | Julias House ]

Julia was and has been very distant from her friends after what happened with her father. She knew she could talk to Beverly or any of the losers about it, but thought that she would be annoyed at her for dropping all of that on them. The past days she's been alone and trying to not let her fathers words get to her. The mess and mess started to pile up giving her more and more anxiety.

She couldn't call Steve and tell him because of her broken phone.

She felt horrible how she didn't tell anyone why she was being so distant. She now sits in her room taking a nap after awhile when she gets woken up by the doorbell.

"I just lied down!", she mumbled yawning.

She goes to the door, not really caring about her appearance. When she opens it her eyes are met with Bill and the rest of the losers, minus Ben.

"Hey.", Beverly starts, her blue eyes being met with Julia's brown eyes.

"Hey, what are you losers doing here?", Julia asked them, trying not to show any emotion so they won't ask 'what's wrong?'.

"We wanted to check on you, since you have been very distant with us lately.", Mike states.

"Well, I'm fine.", She responds sniffling.

"We know when you sniffle you have been crying or sick. Which one is it?", Richie sasses at the girl, giving her the 'what the fuck is happening to you' look.
"Neither, I'm just here.", Julia scratched the back of her neck, leaning on the door frame.

"Bullshit!", Stan immediately said after.

"It's not bullshit!".

"Yeah right! Jules, we know you! You can't hide stuff from us!", Eddie grabs Richies hand while speaking.

"Honestly, I'm fine!", the girl tries to convince them.

"C-can we just come in?", Bill asked the girl who was getting weird looks from her neighbors in the distance.

"sure.", she hesitated before standing straight and walking inside. Inside were dishes that need to be cleaned, clothes everywhere, food that has not been put away, and multiple filled grey trash bags. "Holy shit it's a mess!", Richie exclaimed, receiving a flick on the side of the head from Beverly and a soft hit that couldn't kill an ant from Eddie. "OW!", Richie whisper-yelled at Beverly, rubbing the side of his head where the redheaded girl had flicked him. They had put their backpacks near the door along with their shoes.

"No need to hit him, he's right.", Julia sat down on the crumb filled couch, Richie put his arms up in defense.

"What happened? You always have your stuff clean!", Eddie states, Beverly starts picking up the dirty dishes from the tables.

"You don't have to do that!", Julia ignores Eddie, telling beverly.

"Hello? What happened?!", Richie asks.

"Where's Ben?", Julia keeps trying to ignore everyone's question.


"It was my dad, he came, yelled and proceeded to tell me how he doesn't care about me anymore.", she simply reply's.

"Julia, we're so sorry!", Beverly immediately says.

"It's not your fault."

"But we are your friends, we are here to help you! And we are going to!", Eddie exclaims. "But first, we are gonna clean this place up because Richie is right this place is a mess.", Stan goes up to Julia and ruffles her hair. "Did you just agree with Richie?", she asks amused. "I guess I did.", he says with the same tone.

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