BluePulse - nightmare

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Bart has a nightmare about jaime taking over the world, and how he can't do anything about it, and then jaime comforts him :D

Bart's dream:

    I just did what he asked me too, 'Why am I not doing anything??!' I thought, 'Cuz your weak and he's just gonna force you to do more stuff.' said the voice in the back of my head. I carried on doing what he asked, hoping he doesn't hurt anyone more then he already has....'Why aren't you doing anything, this is your chance, he's not looking!!' said the same voice in the back of my head. I shake my head making it disappear, "HEY, get back to work don't be dilly dallying!" Blue beetle yelled, That was my best friend, who is now yelling at me on what to do. Next thing I know, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME?!!??" I yelled as the "guards" pull me somewhere. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, JAIME STOP IT THIS ISN'T YOU STOP...PLEASE!!" I screamed, "Take him away faster I don't want to hear him yell." Blue beetle said, looking away, "God he's annoying." I heard him say under his breath. I continuously try to escape the tight grasp I am held in, 'GOD THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!' I thought as I stop fighting back knowing I wont get out.

Dream over now irl(still bart's pov):

"-ART, BART, BART" I wake up to Jaime yelling my name, breathing heavy, I look at him, tears in my eyes. "A-Are you ok, you were screaming at m-me to stop or something.." He told me with worry in his voice, "W-why are you crying , are you ok?!!?" He said, quickly wiping the tears falling from each corner of my eyes. I just stare at him more tears in my eyes, I quickly wrap my arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. "I-..I-...." nothing would come out of my mouth, my throat went dry. "Was is a nightmare?.." he asked wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer, "M..Mhm.." I say as I hold him tighter. "It will be ok lets lay down and cuddle" he said kissing my forehead and laying down with me in his arms. "Go to sleep, I'm right here, I'm safe, your safe, good night mí amor." He said, planting a bunch of kisses on my head as I drifted into a slumber.









Thats the end!! its not long, but its something and I hope you enjoyed, this was actually what my sister wanted me to write so this one is for them ! :D


try to eat and drink today!❤︎❤︎


Goodnight/Good day to you!





words: 453

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