Chapter 8: Hide Away

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Melody's PoV:

"Sure, come on in!" I replied, patting the section of the bed next to me. Oddly enough, both Ian and Seto had concerned looks on their faces. "Umm... Melody..." Ian began, but Seto cut him off. "When we where in the process of adopting you, Miss Hannigan mumbled something about having to refile another mountian of paperwork after we return you in a few weeks, and that everyone else did. Why is that?" With that single question, my smile faded.

I sighed as tears began to sting the corners of my eyes. "T-the reason that most families return me a few w-weeks after adopting me is because... I'm not going to be around much longer." I stuttered out, the tears steadily forming steady streams down my face. "W-what do you mean Mel?" Ian asked, rubbing circles in my back. "I...I have cancer. I-I only have three years." I mumbled out the last part, hiding my face in my hands. I heard a door creak, and lifted my head to see all of the guys leaning against the door, listening.

"I... I need some space. " I cried, pushing past everyone, ignoring the tears streaming down my cheeks. Ignoring the steamed looks on Ian and Seto's faces. Ignoring the cries of "Wait!" and "Please!". Theyy didn't care anymore. Nobody would. I was rejected, an outcast. I had scars to show it. So, I ran to the only plqce I knew i would be accepted into. Were nobody judges anybody, and everything is friendly and non judgemental. The one true place where I will ever be accepted. The forest.

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