So Far, Yet So Close

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Rays of sun beat down on the small village of Matsugi, the bright light shining all throughout the Land of Fire.

The light rebounded off a picture of a happy family inside a glass case, the man with a scruffy beard and red kimono ruffling the head of his young, green-haired son. Next to them stood a beautiful young woman, smiling at the camera brightly.

'Now, now, my little emerald.' The same woman from in the photo called out to her seven year old son, the green haired boy swinging a wooden sword around. 'Make sure you don't hurt yourself, okay?'

'Yes, mum!' Shinpio replied, before continuing slashing his wooden sword at the air. 'I'm doing super cool ninja training! After all, I want to become a super cool ninja, and learn from the... What was it again? The something something Hokage's student or something?'

The woman glanced out of her window, her brown hair reflecting the light of the Sun. She resumed washing the dishes, wishing that her husband was still here. Alas, her companion had to earn money for the family, and he would do just that by accepting an offer to work at the more prosperous city named Tanzaku Gai.

'Oh yeah! I remember now!' The boy shouted, loudly declaring his life goals. 'I want to be a ninja, and learn from the Nidaime Hokage's super strong student! Hiruzen Sarutobi or... whatever!'

His mother laughed at her son's antics, before returning to work. She would support her son no matter what.

Danzo Shimura forked over a manila folder to his operative, his face betraying no emotion. It had been over twelve years since Kazenoe had joined ROOT, showing great potential, even as a young child. Even though it had required a highly convenient "accident", recruiting the Kazenoe had been worth it. 

Regardless, this agent had a mission to complete. 'Kazenoe. Your mission is to eliminate this businessman. Although he is minor, he still poses a threat to the great tree that is Konoha.'

Kazenoe's eyes locked on to a portrait of the man he was supposed to take out. Skimming through the file that Danzo had given him, Kazenoe determined the location of where his mission would lead him. Tanzaku Gai.

The ANBU donned his blank mask, strapping his tanto to his belt. He would complete the mission, at all costs and serve Konoha. 'Yes, Danzo-sama.'

He was a part of the roots which supported the great tree of Konoha. Enter ROOT.

Out of his ANBU attire and in a simple kimono, Kazenoe walked along the streets of Tanzaku Gai, scouting out signs for his target. His tanto lay in wait underneath his kimono, the ANBU confident that he would complete the assassination so swiftly that it would require only his tanto and nothing else.

Walking up to someone outside the building that he knew was one of the major gambling dens, Kazenoe utilised his silver tongue to lie to the man, faking any emotion that his face was displaying. 'Excuse me, do you know where Natsuo Utsumi is? I have an appointment with him.'

'Right over there, kid.' The gruff voice of the den guard informed Danzo's operative, pointing his thick finger at a large building two streets across.

'Thank you very much.' Kazenoe bowed in gratitude, walking away swiftly to where his target was located. The sooner the task was completed, the sooner he could be out of Tanzaku Gai.

As the ROOT member turned the corner, entering an alleyway which cut to the building quicker, he quickly weaved a few hand seals, his appearance shifting from a green haired man to a tall man with a moustache wearing formal clothing.

So Far, Yet So CloseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang