Chapter 43

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"Take me to Skystar!"
"Sunstar is not seeing any rogues at the moment," Willowstorm corrected the leader's name and laughed at her mistake. "Especially if they've been executed already!"
Smokeskull slashed her claws at the CloudClan warrior. "I've never been executed from CloudClan territory." She retorted, "Only all of the other Clans."
The pale she-cat snarled back at Smokeskull. "You're no better than the last time I saw you; always grudging on everything and everyone!" Willowstorm tackled Smokeskull to the floor as two more CloudClan warriors jumped out of the darkness, easily recognizable to her.
Pinetuft and Thistlekit, one of Whitewind's kits, clearly from when she was a kit too. He was probably a new warrior now. They both took on one of Smokeskull's companions. Thistlekit took on Timberfall and Pinetuft took on Thornclaw.
The senior CloudClan warrior took Thornclaw by the scruff and whirled his back and forth until he went limp. She dropped him, and Thornclaw struck upwards, slamming Pinetuft's jaw back into her mouth and sending her falling backwards.
Timberfall stayed still until Thistlekit moved forward, barely a kit-step. Their eyes glued together intensively.
Willowstorm yowled in Smokeskull's face, and she yowled back. She dragged her claws along the pale warrior's ribs until she drew blood. Willowstorm cried in pain and pushed down until Smokeskull's breath was driven out of her.
But she pushed up with a lightly force and yowled in victory when her old sister dropped. That was too easy. She's faking it. Smokeskull marched up to Willowstorm and pushed down on her shoulders until they both pushed together, but the she-cat didn't move.
Pinetuft yelped in horror as blood flung out of her body. She turned and screeched until she was safe in the midst of the forest where they couldn't hear her.
Thornclaw leapt to Smokeskull's side and nudged her. "It doesn't matter if she's faking it or not, she's outnumbered now." He whispered to her and bound to Timberfall's side, snarling at Thistlekit.
But it seemed like Thistlekit didn't want to fight. "This Clan is full of weaklings!" He spat after watching Pinetuft race away.
"Feel these claws and you'll know why," threatened Thornclaw.
Thistlekit threw his head back and laughed, "Ha!" He leaned forward. "You think I'm scared of you?" Thistlekit hissed.
"You'd better be!" yowled Timberfall, backing up to let Thornclaw spring at the CloudClan warrior.
Thistlekit stood up straight as Smokeskull stepped between them all. "I remember you," She meowed, head turned to the CloudClan cat. "You're Thistlekit."
"Thistlepaw to you!" He lashed his tail in frustration. Smokeskull thought they'd have made him a warrior by now- "I was delayed because of my dare-devil, reckless behaviour." Thistlepaw stood proudly.
We don't have time for this! hissed Smokeskull in her head. "I'm pretty sure we don't care. Take us to Sunstar." She ordered the CloudClan apprentice.
The brown Tom growled back at her, but did not argue. Smokeskull guessed he agreed that his weak Clan deserved an attack to put them back on their paws. They did.
Throughout his silence, Smokeskull filled respect in the hole of empty vocals. "Thank you, Thistlepaw." She meowed.
CloudClan camp and territory was not burnt, making Smokeskull fear of the cats in it. Maybe PondClan asked them for shelter until the fire died away. Those weaklings should have all burned, thought Smokeskull as they padded into the camp.
Although she was skinny, Smokeskull was bulky. With Thornclaw at her side, they were definitely unstoppable. Smokeskull was overpowered by her long, sharp claws, and Thornclaw was overpowered by his speed and strength. His pelt was short and thick, making it hard to hurt him.
"Smokefur!" yowled another apprentice. Obviously she was one of Thistlepaw's littermates. She was short and golden yellow with blue eyes. Another littermate came out from behind; a brown tabby Tom-cat with a white underbelly, copying the first she-cat's eyes.
Thistlepaw raced over to them and nuzzled the she-cat delicately. Then he met with the Tom and pushed him inside. Thistlepaw was two times both of their sizes.
"I am Smokeskull, a proud cat of the Dark Forest." Smokeskull yowled when Sunstar padded out from her den. The leader jumped onto the Highrock and narrowed her eyes at the intruder. "Attack me if you dare." She growled.
Instead, Sunstar stood up. "Cats of CloudClan. This cat has entered and left our territory on her own will. It is time we showed her how strong we are!" The leader purred loudly when her cats yelled out their agreements. "Attack!"
The first who came at Smokeskull was Pinetuft and Swiftpaw, who was probably a warrior now. Pinetuft snapped her jaws at Smokeskull's legs and Swiftpaw snarled as she tackled her down, clinging to her back with her claws.
Second, Jaystep and Ashtail leapt out of the shadows of the warriors' den and attacked at her hind legs. Ashtail sunk his fangs into her tail, and Smokeskull whipped around and forcefully clawed him in the face. He backed away and shook his head, then plunged back under. Smokeskull whipped at Pinetuft and Jaystep who were attacking her shoulders. Instantly, she rolled over, sealing her underbelly with her hind legs, and bowled Swiftpaw at the two warriors.
Surprised, Swiftpaw let out a yowl and raced off to the side. Smokeskull supposed she hurt her paw or something when she rolled. But Jaystep leapt up and screeched as he landed square on her shoulders again and but down on her scruff, shaking roughly. Smokeskull arched her back, put her nose to the ground and rolled forward on top of him.
With the breath driven out of him, Jaystep groaning in pain of her weight on him and darted out from beneath, into the shadows. Smokeskull flung herself at Ashtail, but he said as already running away. She was unsuspectingly pulled down by another warrior.
Whirling around, Smokeskull claws at the pale warrior but she clawed back. Their paws hit together, but Smokeskull was offended by the claws that attacked back. Willowstorm was on top of her, hatred intertwining her slitted pupils. "Die, rogue!" The she-cat snarled.
Smokeskull had never seen Willowstorm so furious. She was shocked by the sudden rage the pale warrior showed and pressed down on her chest.
Filled with angry and feeling betrayed, Smokeskull pushed up and flew at Willowstorm, catching her claws into her ear, drawing blood. She snapped her maw down on her shoulder and pulled hard.
Willowstorm hissed and whirled around, pushing her head up to look at Smokeskull. "You're so fox-hearted, sister. I hate you for betraying me." She growled.
"I betrayed you?!" Smokeskull yowled disbelievingly. "You were nothing to me from the start. You were foolish to trust me." She dodged an attack from Willowstorm's slashing claws and continued harshly, "I tried to kill you when you were just a kit. I should have!" Smokeskull fastened her jaws tightly onto Willowstorm's ear and pulled until half of it came off and only a ragged piece was left. She smirked and staggered back when Willowstorm nipped at her neck daringly.
The pale warrior flung back when Smokeskull swung her paws at her and crashed into the dirt, coughing. Ashtail snarled from behind her and leapt at her without hesitation. With one swing of her giant paw, Ashtail had long scars ranked over his face. He fell down, defeated easily. The grey rogue stood over the warrior and tightened her jaws around his neck. When the CloudClan cat went limp, Smokeskull threw her head back and yowled in victory.
Willowstorm stood beside Swiftpaw, staring in horror. Pinetuft dropped Thornclaw from her maw, soon copied by Crowfur and Jaystep. The CloudClan warriors retreated back to their nests and mourned Ashtail's death by themselves sadly.
Clearly the pale warrior had enough. Willowstorm looked up from Ashtail's body and growled at Smokeskull. Saying nothing, she swiftly turned and attacked the unsuspecting Timberfall. Willowstorm snapped her jaws onto his neck and blood shot out from the surprised kittypet. Timberfall fell limp to the floor and Willowstorm looked at Smokeskull with blood dripping from her jaws.
Smokeskull quickly turned to Thornclaw. The Dark Forest cat was streaming with silent tears already. "This Clan will fear the Dark Forest for reasons in which are unbelievable. They will suffer much pain and hardly survive through many deaths caused by our paws." promised Thornclaw bitterly.
"I will avenge our loss with the fate of CloudClan...and every warrior in it." Smokeskull vowed out loud, "And then my revenge will be complete."

Warrior Cats; Smokeskull's Revenge [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now