The Pink Panthers Chap.7

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                                                A/N: I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in forever! :c And @Nats717 & @Paislydot13 sorry if you guys don't like the name... I'm not very creative.. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys c: . 

It's been one week... and it's the day we go try out. We're after this group. The judges gave us the name The Pink Panthers. Why? Who knows..  The dance crew in front of us, is done. It's our turn. "Are you girls ready?" Cameron asked. "I'm more than ready!" Hailee exclaimed, excitedly.  "Yeah, I'm ready.." I said. "The Pink Panthers, come on out." A voice boomed in a microphone. "Now, what song will you young ladies be dancing to?"  "The Ready Set, Give Me Your Hand." Hailee and Cameron said in perfect sync.  The music started blaring and our dance, began.

"Girls, I think we rocked that! None of us messed up even once!" I shrieked! "I know!" Hailee said very excitedly. "All of our practice has certainly payed off! Our lives are getting so much better.." Cameron said. She was right. Our lives have gotten better, especially since we met the boys of One Direction. It's like everything's going up. Like, nothing could bring us down now.. We went and sat down in the waiting chairs, since we were one of the last people there, there was only one person after us. And they were good. Now that they were gone the judges would decide on three people who they would want to help in their career. 

"We would like ______, _____, and The Pink Panthers to come on stage." One of the judges said. "Eeeek!!" Is all Cameron, Hailee, and I could say. We walked on stage, and the judge came by and handed each of the dance groups a paper, from the looks of it. Once he handed it to us, it wasn't just any paper, it was a contract! We were signed! "Now, we will call each one of you three groups and tell you where, when, and what your first gigs are. You may all leave." 

We left the studio and called the boys when we got home. I put the phone on speaker. "Hullo?" We called Zayn's phone. "Hey! Put us on speaker!" I demanded. "Okay, on speaker." He said. "GUESS WHAT?" Cameron yelled in the phone. "What?" All of the boys except for Louis said, he said something  about a  purple unicorn. "No, Lou. We went and auditioned for a dance thing and we're a signed dance crew!" Hailee squealed. "That's great you guys!" They all said. "Oh. Sorry loves. We have to go. Concert." Zayn said. "Byee!" Everyone said. And then, our conversation was over!

"Well! I for one, say we should celebrate by going out tonight! All in favor, say I!" "I!" Hailee and Cameron said in perfect sync. We went up to our rooms to get ready,  I wore a black lace tank top, not noodle straps with light blue skinny jeans and black boot heels. Cameron wore a purple tube top, black skinny jeans, and white heels. Hailee wore a black skin tight dress with a leather jacket and black heels.   .

We drove to club, and it was packed. We danced and had fun, and then it was 2 in the morning and people were telling us to get out. So, we left. Let's just say, we were the life of the party. Or club I should say. We drove home and we all instantly fell asleep.

I was woken up by my phone going off. My ring tone is Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson, it was Synced Steps Academy! I answered it and while I answered it shook Hailee and Cameron awake."Hello?" "Is this Reed, Hailee, and Cameron, or The Pink Panthers?" "Sure is!" I replied. "Your guys' gig is 2 weeks from today with The Ready Set. You guys will be dancing on stage in Arizona, North Dakota, and Kansas.  You guys will learn a dance and hang out with him when you aren't preforming with him. You will only need night clothes because you will wear the outfits they give you. Am I clear, girls?" "Yes ma'am." "Okay. Bye." And just like that, we had our first gig. 

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