Chapter 5: Recovery Followed By Questions

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Chapter 5: Recovery Followed By

A groan sounded from a pair of rosy lips as a pale hand gripped a damaged torso. Leslie had expected to wake up in a soft bed (which had happened), but what she didn't expect to wake up to was a stabbing pain in her lower abdomen. She let out a sigh and let her hand plop to her side, only to feel a mop of hair instead of the soft cushioning of her bed. Leslie glanced to her side to see a rather messy, but familiar, red-head by her side.

She smiled softly and began to stroke her mentor's hair then gently shook his shoulder in an attempt to wake him. Grell gave a small tired groan and began to stir. He lifted his head looked up at the person who had awoken him.

Leslie tried to keep from laughing at his appearance, covering her mouth with her hand. Grell's hair was a mess, his glasses askew, and a small dark circle hung underneath his stunning eyes. When Grell finally saw who it was, he hastily fixed his glasses and plastered his signature sly smirk to his face (though the tiredness was clear in his eyes).

"Well look who it is~" A purr lining his british accent. "Looks like my little Leslie has decided to wake up." Leslie gave him a small smile and placed a hand on the side of his face.

"You stayed by my side...." Her voice was hoarse and barely came out in a whisper. Noticing the hoarseness in his apprentice's voice, Grell grabbed a small cup of water sitting on her bedside and lifted the glass to her lips, helping her drink as she took 5 giant gulps.

"The doctor told me to advise you to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest." Grell implied, taking the glass away from her lips and setting it down. "He stitched you up and told me to inform him once you'd awoken. But~" He placed his gloved hand upon her bare one and smiled. "But I don't see why we can't chat-" Grell's sentence was cut off when someone burst into the room.

The two Reaper's heads snapped to see who it was. Leslie grinned widely as color flushed back into her face. "William!" Leslie gasped quietly.

"Leslie!" Will rushed over to her, instantly crouching by her side. He went to place his own hand on hers when he noticed Grell's was already there. His eyes snapped up to look the crimson Reaper in the eye and gave him a small glare.

Grell gave him a sly smirk. "Why if it isn't my dear William~ come to pay a visit to my little Leslie have you?" He asked, quirking a brow.

William's brow furrowed even more. "She isn't your little anything." He stated, standing up. Will turned his attention, his gaze softening. "But, yes I have come to check on her health. And as her sitting up is proof enough, so I shall take my leave. You however," He said, turning his attention back to the crimson Reaper.

Grell jumped back a little in surprise, giving Will an innocent look and playing with a strand of his long hair. "Me?!"

Will nodded, the furrow in his brow coming back into view. "I need to speak to you about something, in private." Grell's eyes brightened and he sat straight up, bringing his hands to his chest. "And no, it's nothing like that." Grell let out a disappointed sigh and slumped over again.

"You're such a tease, Will. Why do you always lead me on like this?" Grell whined and turned to Leslie. "Looks like duty calls. We'll talk again once you're better." He grinned a toothy grin and got up from his seat next to Leslie's bed, walking out.

Will lingered, taking the seat Grell was recently in and took Leslie's hand in his. "You cannot imagine how horrified I was when I heard you had been hurt." His voice quivered and his grip tightened. He let out a shaky sigh and looked Leslie straight in the eye. "Never do that again." He whispered, leaning in and giving her a small peck on her cheek then got up and walked out after Grell.

Leslie let out a small but audible gasp, a bright pink color rising up onto her cheeks. She lightly touched the place where Will kissed her, a smile forming on her lips. She stared at the door as if she could see through it, seeing him and seeing the light shade of red blossoming on his own cheeks. If there was one thing Grell was right about, it was his evaluation of William being a tease.

Grell's POV (3rd person)

"I saw that~" Grell purred in William's ear, his arms draping around his fellow colleague. William sighed and pushed up his glasses, walking forward with Grell trailing behind him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Sutcliff." He said in his usual monotone voice, trying to keep his cool as his face began to heat up and a blush began to bloom on his cheeks.

Grell, whose arms were still linked around William's neck and shoulders, let out a small chuckle. "You know what I mean~" His voice came out in a teasing tone, though on his inside he wanted to tighten his grip on William's neck and choke him out. How dare he touch his Little Leslie?! "You know, when you..." Grell paused to give William a small peck on the cheek. "Kissed her~"

Will stopped dead in his tracks, stiff as a statue. "What?" Grell inquired. "Was it something I- ACK!" Grell let out a strained yelp as Will jabbed his fist deep into the crimson Reaper's gut. When Grell fell to the floor, Will walked one.

"My relationship with Ms. Amberwood is none of your business." Will stated. At those words, the pain subsided and Grell began to shake in anger.

"Oh, none of my business, eh?" He growled lightly. "None... of my business?!" Grell shot up, squaring off to Will and glaring down at him. "Excuse me, sir, just who do you think you are to tell me that your affection for my Little Leslie is 'none of my business'?!" Grell clenched and unclenched his fists, his breathing heavy and erratic and his eyes were that of a wild animal's.

Will, unfazed, glared back at the man towering over him. "It is exactly as it sounds. None of your business. And she is not your little anything." He let out a small chuckle, his glasses gleaming as he pushed them up the bridge of his nose. "I find it quite amusing that you think I would allow a woman of high quality to become romantically involved with someone like you. You'll do good to keep your hands off her."

Grell's deeply furrowed brow raised in confusion. "N-now hold on just a minute! What do you mean by that?" He asked, his voice still rigid with anger.

Will sighed and pushed his glasses up once more, before sidestepping the crimson Reaper and going on his way.

Grell watched him leave, calling after him. "Will? Will, wait a minute, what did you mean by that? Will!" Grell had half a mind to run after him and demand an answer, but his boots were frozen to the floor by shock. What did he mean by.... becoming involved with Leslie? It wasn't like Grell planned to sweep her off her feet anytime soon. He was attracted to men, right?

Grell's eyes widened in shock of himself. Was he beginning to question his own sexuality? He shook his head and rubbed his temples, all the questions swimming in his mind were close to driving him mad! Once more, Grell glanced behind him at Leslie's room then walked on. He needed a drink..... or maybe 30.

**Hello there everyone! Sorry this chapter is so short, but I swear to make these next few upcoming chapters worth the wait**

As always, fav, follow, and REVIEW!!!! Nighty-night MAH LIL' SUGAR PLUMBS!!!!!!!!!!!

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