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It's been twenty years since King Harry of Italy has bomb the beautiful but yet strong country of England.

March 8 2022 was the day everything had gone worst.

The city of London was down in flames with, millions of billions of land token down in flames and coral. 

Last thing Queen Gina ever remmeber was seeing her oldest son Luca fought with her husband King Zayn in war with King Harry. 

Queen Gina left England with the girls to live in France with her cousins until the country was safe. Until then everything was once more build again as one big country together with Sweden and Spain helping out. 

"Honey? It's okay if we go out and walk in the garden?" Zayn ask as he walk in with his hands in his pockets. 

As Gina snap out of thought she smile at her husband, ran her fingertips though her long light brown with tint of grays in her hair. "Your old hun." Gina giggle softly as she walk over placing her journal down on the coffee table. "The kids called?" 

Kids. Yeah Luca now married off with his wife Sara from Bradford with their two kids Sam and Bella. Then the twin girls both off in Sweden with helping out in their nursing world but yet still living in the castle with King Zayn and Queen Gina. 

Then their baby boy Aidan that they had had not too long ago who was sent off to college last fall. 

Zayn shook his head. "They have been too cool for us now." Zayn pouted as he wrap his arms around his Queen. 

"So a walk in the garden?" Gina asked as they walk down to the garden. 

"You okay? You seem thinking about." Zayn ask as they walk slowly. 

Gina nod as she held onto him. "Yeah just you know, busy. And thinking about the new everything that is happening. I want to release my new novel you know explaining everything that has happen for the last years." 

Zayn smile thinking of Gina with her new novel out soon. "You really want to release it?" 

"Of course I didn't write the novel for nothing!" Gina let go of Zayn as she, smile wide at him. 

"Catch me if you can King Zayn!" Gina ran around the lawn as she went into the crown of the center holding onto one of the poles. 

"My lady." He said as he bow down, try grabbing her hand before she spin to the other one. 

"My sir." She wink at him as she rise a leg up, held on tight to it. 

Zayn walked over as he place his hand on her thigh. "I don't think this is okay in public my love." 

Gina got closer their lips as she, giggle softly. "Why not? Old man can't handle the skills?" 

Zayn glare slightly as she spin to the other that had flowers hanging from the small baloney on top with a small garden. 

"Come on garden boy! You can do it!" Before she can try and run up the ladder, Zayn wrap his arms around her waist tightly as he kiss her neck. 

"Go you Princess." He said as he nibble on her skin. "You know... After all these years. I never thought we will make it this far in life." 

Gina kiss Zayn multiple times as they lean on one of the poles, that had bright yellow flowers growing. "I take you Gina Payne, as my loving wife." Zayn said as he lift her up. 

"I take you Zayn Malik as my loving, faithful husband in marriage of strong endless love." Gina held onto him tightly in small moans. 

"And with this ring." Zayn held her ring finger. "I give you my whole heart." 

"I promise from this forward, I'll be your guide and shelter." Gina kiss Zayn with needy as he lay her down on the stone floor, remove his shirt. 

"And my arms be your home." He remove their clothing as he lay on top he, place his hands on her lower waist. "And I love you not only for what you are but for whom I am with you. I love you." 

He look at Gina as he place his thumb on her cheek, stroking her cheek. "I love you." 

"I-I love you too." Gina whisper as loud as she can, kiss him once he began to move in her. 


"Did we just really had sex outside and said our wedding vows." Gina asked as breathe heavily, with her hand on her husband chest. 

Zayn chuckle. "God I feel like were teenagers again." 

Gina got up, as she put on her underwear and shirt. "Meet you inside?" 

Zayn nod as he watch his wife walk inside the castle as he follow behind, running up carrying her to the head of the stone. 

"I will always love you even if your no longer young and beautiful. But your also beautiful in my eyes love." Zayn said as he got on his knees and his face on her lap. 

Gina giggle softly as she place a kiss on his head. "I love you." 

"I love you too." 


As Gina look out the baloney she counted the stars as she smile naming each other. 

"That one is Aidan." She said as she pointed to the star; look down at Zayn who was reading his book. 

"He's loving college." 

Gina gave Zayn a small smile. "I don't want to live in fear and loathing anymore." 

She remove the book slowly from his hands, sat on Zayn's lap as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Is it okay that I see the twenty years old Zayn still or no?" 

He kiss her with love. "I will love that upset this one that is old." 

Gina lay her head on his shoulder as she look up at the stars. "I've seen the world, done it all... Had my cake now." 

"Ready to leave the world?" Zayn ask as he held her. 

Gina sigh lightly. "Sort of. I don't walk to leave the kids. I'm afraid to die like." She look at Zayn as she lock eyes with him. 

"When we get to heaven promise me if one of us get there first... You'll wait for me by the gates with roses in your hands?" 

Zayn nod as he kiss her once more. "I promise." 

Young and Beautiful. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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