a new crown

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ZeroCompress69 wrote this part


3 Years after Penny and Taylor are born,

in A mechanic shop/house

Justin, 33, but still short leaned up from the hood of his car, a scowl on his face, "Damn Motor, I wonder if dad would actually help." He said quietly then heard a light giggle coming from the door into the house.

"J even you know Hephaestus won't interfere, plus Zeus won't allow it." Annie said with a caring smile on her lips.

Justin grinned, "I know, just something I say," he grabbed the rag next to him and wiped off his hands of the grease as he walked over and pecked her lips, "Let's Go back inside, I'm getting hungry."

Annie smiled softly and kissed him back then led the way inside where their two kids were sitting at the counter drawing, Talus in mini form under their feet.

Justin smiled softly at the sight, knowing that if he hadn't met Annie that he would never had seen a sight like this, it would have just been him and Talus.

He walked over leaned down in between them, "What are my two creators drawing?"

Taylor looked up with his eyes shining and showed his daddy a picture of all of them beside the house with Talus having a goofy look on his snout.

Justin smiled fondly as he looked at it then looked at his other sons drawing, it was of camp halfblood where him and Annie had met, but he knew that neither of them had seen it yet, but what was more curious is that it showed the family as they were now along with another baby in Annie's arms.

He looked up at his wife with a raised eyebrow, asking the silent question, 'Are you pregnant again?'

Annie shook her head, "Taylor, Penny, why you two go watch tv with Talus, me and Daddy need to talk really quickly."

Penny nodded and got out of his chair as his brother followed, both of them taking their drawings as Talus got up and followed them to the living room.

Once they were in there Justin looked at Annie, "Annie? Care to explain why Penny drew camp halfblood and another baby?"

Annie blushed slightly from Justin's stare, "I told them about the camp and how it looked from the front, but I didn't expect him to draw another baby there as well."

Justin's eyes softened, he could never get mad at her it just wasn't possible, "Ok so do you think we should try for another baby?" He asked with a smirk and an eyebrow raised, his cheeks a light red color.

Annie blushed deeper red, "Not right now, but I was thinking maybe we could adopt a child this time."

Justin just looked at his wife as his brain stopped for a second, normally he couldn't stand people and got very very frustrated with them, but he was okay around kids and the few friends he had, slowly Justin nodded and walked around the kitchen counter to her, and softly embraced her, which she returned.

"Normally I would have said no, but now that I have my own kids thanks to you," He started and then kissed her nose causing it to crinkle and him kiss it again, "I think that we should adopt a kid, I don't like leaving some people helpless you know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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