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After about 30 years not living in Sweden, Frida was back in Stockholm. In a short time many things had changed in her life. She moved back to Sweden, suddenly had more to do with her old friends and former bandmembers and was again together with the true love of her life.

1 year and 10 months ago...

In the middle of that cold December Frida was walking through Stockholm. It was one of those cold typical swedish winter days. She had her hands in her pocket and her face half coverd with a scarf but still her cheeks and nose were red from the cold. Two days ago she has arrived from Switzerland for a few meeting she always had a few times a year and because it was that time of year when she visited her family for Christmas and New year. To come back home was always wonderful for her, somtimes it takes you back to where your life starts, even if it was Norway in her case, Sweden was her home.

She was enjoying the silence and the cold and clean air of Sweden, it brought her inner peace and she was in a state of life were she just wanted peace and love. At the moment she wasn't in peace at all, even if she wished she were. After 8 years her relationship with Henry had ended and that left her frustrated. It seems that her destiny was to be alone. Now she wanted to enjoy the time with her family and friends befor she would return to her lonliness in Switzerland.

After a while walking thorough the icy city she reached her goal. Mono Music. Görel, her long time friend and manger, and she would meet there because they had some things to talk about and also because they would have the chance to simply see each other. When she opend the door a cozy warmth welcomed her and immediately she felt much better. As she knew where to go, Frida made her way to Görels office and knocked on the door befor she finally entered. Görel was on the phone and seems to be very busy, so Frida just waved at her and than took of her coat and left it on the couch together with her bag. On the wall hang diffrent picture, also some from the Abba time. Frida looked at them and smiled at all the memories which came back in a rush.

After around 5 minutes Görel hung up the call and the two women greeted each other warmly. They were always very close to each other, they still are, and they really enjoyed when they had the chance to meet. The last time was months ago when Benny and Björn celebrated their 50th anniversary of knowing each other. Now it was December and even if they already were times when they didn't see each other for years, but the last months already felt like eternity.

Görel: Honey how are you? It's so good to see you!

Frida: I can say the same, it's a shame that we never have the chance to meet like normal friends do but I can say you one things, I think that will change soon probably -she smiled at her-

Görel: Why? What do you plan Anni Frid Lyngstad?

Frida: I thought about moving back to Sweden I mean after all what happend with Henry I will be alone in Zermatt so why not moving back to where my family and friends are?

Görel: Omg that would be so great -she almost shouted-

Frida: Clam down I still haven't decided anything we will see what happens after Christmas and New year but I guess now we have some things to talk about, right?

Görel: True! Come with me I have somethings on my laptop to show you

2 hours later still in Görels office

The lady's had finished working a few minutes ago and now were in an deep conversation, updating each other about their life's and what they were doing.
At some point they came to the part when Görel asked Frida about breakup with Henry.

Frida: You know -sighted- it hasn't been easy for us in the last months. I had a lot of things going on in my life, privately and professionally, and just wanted sometimes to be alone, he always wanted to help me and of course I'm greatful that he at least was there for me but I pushed him away and at some point our love changed into a kind of friendship-love, it simply wasn't enough to be partners anymore.

Görel: And how do you feel? I mean he was a part of your life for 8 years now

Frida: Of course, it's a big change, for both of us, but it was for the best and we still have contact and want to stay in contact in the future as well. I wish him all the best and hope that he will find someone who can love him the way he deserves it, I couldn't.

Görel: And what about you?

Frida: What is with me?

Görel: Do you hope you will find someone again?

Frida: Please I'm old now -laughed- no, I think my destiny has always been to be alone. Everytime I had someone to love in my life, life didn't allowed me to be happy and took away my happiness. It's the best to be alone at least I can say that I'm strong enough to be alone.

Görle: Please, your long away from being old Frida, your an excellent woman with a very nobel and loving heart and I'm sure you could find someone again.

Frida: You're always so lovley, and thank you but at the moment I don't want to look for a new partner because that also means that there, sooner or later, will be topics I have to talk about which I try to avoid to tell "strangers", it's always a big process for me. I'm fine alone, I have my family and my friends and feel loved enough.

Their conversation was obviously intense beacuse nobody noticed that someone has entered the office until the voice appeared behind them which caused both of them to turn around.

"Omg Frida, what are you doing here?" Björn asked almost frozen because the last person he expected to see today was Frida, infact he didn't even knew she was in the city.

Frida: I'm talking to Görel, problems? -she asked laughing-

Björn: I can see that but what are you doing here here? I mean in Stockholm!?

Frida: The same as every year Björn, visiting my family at christmas time -she finally stood up and went to hug him-

Björn: I'm happy to see you Frida!

Frida: Me too I've missed you!

They parted again but remind standing next to each other

Görel: I guess you wanted to see me right or right?

Björn: Right I have some questions but that can wait, apparently you're busy

Frida: Don't worry I'll leave you two alone I have to go anyway

Görel: Oh no? Already?

Frida: You have things to do, me too and we will have the chance to meet again I will be here another four weeks

All three said goodbye and Frida left Mono Music some minutes later her driver picked her up and drover her back to Hans Apartment where she stayed when she was in Sweden. She thanked the driver and wanted to open the door when a voice called her from behind.

"Grandma" her Granddaughter Ilona called her. Frida turned around and was suprised to see her oldest granddaughter there.

Frida: Honey, what are you doing here? I thought you were on a trip with your friends -hugged her-

Ilona: I was but Stella and Luisa got sick and we had to go home earlier

Frida: But you are fine? she touched her forhead to fell her temperature

Ilona: Grandma I'm fine, at least now but if we will remain here one more second I will die of cold

Frida: Come on let's enter than

As soon as they entered they were greeted by the rest of the family. Elsa, Hans youngest daughter, his wife Ulrika and Hans himself were there. They greeted each other and than Ilona told them about her vacation. Later Ulrika and Frida had cooked dinner and they had ate together. Frida sat in the middle of her loved ones and enjoyed the time with her family so much. Christmas was her favourite time. It was magical and was always packed in much love.

And here we go again Where stories live. Discover now