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Sakura was able to admit how late her proposal was to be, silently cursing herself as she painted the banner with periwinkle and ultramarine stripes and gold lettering.


It shone greatly against the desk lamp. "Look Kero, you get to hold this!" Kero's little ears gave a little wiggle as he barked in contentment. Sakura tied the last knot of the string banner tightly to test the fragility of the cardstock. The only thing, rathr person she was missing was Tomoyo, who hadn't picked up her calls all week.

She was still coming to school however, just not talking to her much. Sakura sighed and dragged her scarlet hairdryer to solidify the paint.

It had to be perfect for the game tomorrow, it just had to be. Tomoyo's stand-in, Rika, would be holding the other end of the banner, running from the end of the field with Kero and centering in front of Sakura's pyramid.

Sakura had assorted a proper bag to keep everything in to make sure everything was in order. Mentally preparing herself for the game, she slept soundly, her brain clocking out with her eyes, but her heart remaining alive, beating fast as ever.


The noisy, overlit field was packed with students from both schools, exceeding the area's maximum occupancy by at least five hundred. The breeze was warm, so jackets weren't an issue. The players huddled, then spread efficiently on their team's respective sides to begin the game. The band played a triumphant theme, one suited for the matches.

Sakura eyed Meiling from her area firmly, giving her a slit-eyed look. Meiling blew a childish raspberry, clutching her pom-poms gingerly as she spoke to the judges panel, hiding behind her sharp-toned hair. She took one more glance at Sakura furtively before getting into position. Sakura motioned for her team to do the same, and the referee began the game with a moment's notice.

Sakura was visibly starting to sweat as she observed the other group out of the corner of her eye; Their moves were detailed, more detailed that Tomoeda High's entire student body's talents combined.

She then noticed that they did not complete their moves nearly as gracefully as she did, losing balance for split seconds and wobbling like the inflatables at the local car dealership. This gave her the confidence to move forward, skipping time with each step until-oh yes- the proposal.

Li dashed with the ball proudly, having scored three consecutive touchdowns already, about to win the game with the current one. 

And he did, just as the game ended. The whistle echoed in and out of Sakura's ears as she stood on her friends' hands.

Kero and Rika sprinted across the field together, looking like they were having the time of their lives as they moved the banner to the middle.

"HOCO-ME WITH ME TO THE DANCE, SYAORAN! LOVE, SAKURA." Students began to wolf-whistle and holler 

It was corny, but still Sakura smiled, her pearly whites reflecting on the three viewing screens scattered across the field, her pearly whites beaming down at everyone. She promptly noticed, however, that Meiling had a smirk penned across her lips.

Deciding not to think much of it, she gracefully moved down to look Syaoran in the eyes. Just then, Mr. Terada had chosen to announce the winning cheer team then and there. "The winners of our cheer squad tournament belong to Tomoeda High! Better luck next time, Prep." At this, Meiling's look turned sour, but sweetened again with a knowing grin. Could she have possibly turned kind?

Tomoyo sat in the stands, jumping out in the blur of people. The band began a winner's ballad.

She met her eyes, but didn't come down to meet her.

That's okay, Sakura thought. I'll save my anger for later. 

Syaoran appeared bashful at the sight of her, opening his mouth to respond. From behind, Meiling shot him a face of control and override. "Sakura,"

"Syaoran?" Sakura's heart stretched in yearning.

"I can-"

"Syaoran, remember what we talked about?" Meiling butted in in a not-so-subtle fashion. Appearing as if he had just registered something grave, Syaoran's face turned red.

"I can't, Sakura." Her heart shriveled at her name. 

"Why not?"

"I'm going with..."

"Meiling," they spoke simultaneously. "It's okay," Sakura's eyes felt glassy and slick, but she managed to keep her facade up during the moment. She looked at Tomoyo for support, but she appeared in deep conversation with Eriol. Defeated, Sakura briefly thanked Syaoran for his kindness and proceeded to run away from him, away from the students, away from her team (who were partying and basking in victory), away from Tomoeda Prep (some students were crying), and away from fighting.

Just as she began to think he liked her, she reminisced, seeking clarity. Nobody had followed her into the street- good. She could finally cry in the atmosphere of the evening light.

the homecoming bet//a cardcaptor sakura fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum