semi intro- The something Familiar

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Its mid-term season, the shop where I work, I usually really busy this time of year. All in all, its—exhausting!!! I'm a good student to say the least I get A's most of the time. To be frank I'm just a normal girl I have that one annoying dumb friend, I'm a senior now and I have a job and a family that I take care of.

Hey Idiot!" a low life called out as they approached me, yeah, I call em that... in my head. I looked at the taller guys behind the three girls that walked up on me they were wayyy more popular than me they hated me and my guts. They smelled like plastic and cigarettes, not my preferred scent of choice.

"What do you want?" That was the First mistake of the day

"Nobody asked you to talk" That was the second one

"Look we don't care about what you want tocomplain about we are short on time and have lives unlike you, you crossuniform wearing tomboy! So, sit down shut up and just listen" she said as sheused her finger to poke at my chest the other two girls pushed me down to sitand I fell to the ground and "listened" I blanked out I went to the safe spacein my head where everything is okay. Iheard a voice "they are gone now" I released myself from the chamber I chainedmyself to, to shied myself from their hate. I looked around but saw no one. Ishrugged it off and went to my class. The people inside of my next class werereally starting to piss me off I was slowly crumbling soo I went to my safeplace once again. I was just sitting there my body life less a usk meanwhile my inner self was walkingaround in a daze. While walking , and Isaw something that I never seen before it was a river, My river but half of itwas nice clear blue the other half was black so much so that I couldn't evensee the other side of it. When I looked in my side of the water there was atree my tree that was healthy colors and such but when I looked back into thewater my tree looked black a decrypted it was a horrid black and grey nothing atree should even remotely look like. When I quickly turned around to look at mytree it was completely fine had all its healthy color and all. I investigatedthe black side and saw my tree it was healthy, this was weird. Out of curiosityI touched my side of the water and got sucked in and I couldn't pull away.

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