Chapter 6 ~ Neither a friend nor foe ~

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Shadow woke up in the middle of the night, while the one in his arms was sleeping peacefully.

He looked around the room, then sighed in relief.

He gently freed himself from the younger's grip and walked to his desk. There was a note on top of the folders of a new batch of cold cases he had finished. The letters were wiggly, almost like cursive, but he understood it.

Better be at the Beachwalk before 1 AM <3

Knowing who the heart at the end is from, he gritted his teeth.

"That moron." He huffed.

Then walked to the door, looking back at the blue hedgehog, before leaving and slightly left the door open to let light in.

He then Chaos Controlled to the Beach.

The cold air met his face. The crashing of the waves was the only sound you can hear, apart from the sounds of crickets chirping.

He turned his head and sees him sitting on a bench, facing the sea.

"Long time no see." His ebony fur and greyish-blue stripes were still the same, no matter how many times he jumped through timelines, the past, and the future, no one knows why but he consistently comes back to this timeline.

His red streaks would forever differ from his older brother's.

"What do you want?"

"I never would have considered you'd want to come to see me, little brother."

Shadow scoffed and sat down beside him.

"What are you doing here in this timeline?" He asked, putting his hands behind his head as he slumped on the bench.

"Can't I visit you?" He smirked at his brother. Shadow gave him an irritated look.

"Mephiles? Shadow?"

Mephiles grinned and turned to his shadow form and loomed over Silver.


Shadow stood up and walked a couple of feet closer to them.

"Silver, no matter what you do, do not move." He ordered.

"Missed me?" Mephiles whispered into Silver's ear.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow targetted Mephiles head but missed as he was too fast.

"You're no fun Shadow." He frowned when Shadow stepped in front of Silver.

"Silver, use your psychokinesis to teleport to my house." He instructed, and glared at Mephiles offering the younger a few moments to concentrate his senses before he faded. "Didn't I tell you, you're not allowed near Blaze, nor Silver." His voice was filled with malice.

"The Ultimate Life Form being defensive? Ain't that new? Why the change of heart, little brother?"

"I am entitled to change, no matter how hard and how long it takes." He crossed his arms.

"Really? Or possibly you're just turning soft-" Before he could finish, a Chaos Spear passed by him, missing him by a centimeter. He chortled. "You missed."

"Next time, I won't." Shadow raised his hand, creating another Chaos Spear, but without uttering a word.

"Oh? You're mad?" He crossed his arms, shifting back to his Hedgehog form. "Ain't that appealing?"

"Just... Leave..." Shadow turned his back on him, and Chaos Controlled back home, getting welcomed by a fireball bearing, mad cat, and a tense hedgehog.

Sleeping Beauty Syndrome (A 'Sonic the Hedgehog' AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن