Welcome To The Scream Machine

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Hello, my name is Seldom. I'm 19 years old and I've been drawing for about 6+ years :))

I mostly do traditional and digital art, but occasionally I'll try to poke at water color/oil painting for a little variety.
I'm most comfortable drawing people and canines but I can also draw mythical creatures, rats, dragons, birds, etc.  I struggle most with backgrounds and architecture, so that's definitely something I'll be working on in this volume. I don't want to bore yall to death tho so I'll get straight into the good stuff lmao

If you don't like cussing/vulgarity, this is definitely not the book for you.

I'm keeping it PG for the introduction but in the future it will be nowhere near as censored haha.

Fridays Request slots won't be first come first serve. I'll be choosing based on interest

It's taken me years to understand that I don't have to draw anything I don't want to. I'm glad I'm finally there tho, because If I check the slots and see one more obscure anime character in a skin tight jacket with the zipper track snapped in half because of her horrifically disproportionate bust I'm going to abandon all hope and maybe even my first born for good measure. God.
A n y w a y s.

Do not download, screenshot, trace
or repost my work without notifying/crediting me.

Always credit the artist my guy. People work hard to create great content for the world to enjoy, and the support you give by crediting them is worth a lot. :')

Alrighty then, I think that's all for now. See ya soon with the official chapter 1!

Art Book Vol 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora