[one shot]

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'Cale nim keeps avoiding me.." choi han said with guilt, as he keeps walking he saw cale with eruhaben 'cale-nim!' choi han immediantly ran towards cale

Cale saw choi han run to him he immediantly left and said goodbye to eruhaben

Choi han stoped and looked hurt ' did I do something bad?' choi han looked down

"Did something happen between you and cale?" Eruhaben said as he raise his brow, eruhaben is curious why cale avoided choi han, he would always let him stay by his side

"I dont know eruhaben nim.. cale nim has been avoiding me since morning..." Choi han said he worries that he did something bad or offended cale

"How about asking the others? How about ron?" Eruhaben said

"Ah yes! Thank you very much eruhaben nim!" Choi han said with joy, he could ask the others

Choi han goes to find ron and saw rosalyn " rosalyn!" Choi han walks up to her with his puppy eyes

"Yes choi han?" Rosalyn tilted her head,
"Do you might know why cale nims been avoiding me?" Choi han said worried

"Oh.. sorry choi han sadly I dont know ... Maybe youve offended him?" Rosalyn puts her hand in her cheeks as she pitys choi han

Choi han left and finds another person "ah! Ron" choi han had found ron "ron do you perhaps know why cale nims been avoiding me?"

"Sadly I do not know choi han maybe you have offended him?" Choi han saddened

Choi han decided to ask everyone, everyone has the same answer's it was either "offended" or "disappointed" choi han clench his fist

Choi han has a mix feeling of anger and hatred of himself he was afraid he did something very wrong

Night has come everyone was going to sleep, choi han was walking on the hallway towards cale room to apologies for what he did

He will accept any punishment cale would give just for him to forgive him just for cale ... To not abandon him...

Choi han knocks "what is it" cale said and opens the door, he was shock it was choi han

Choi han suddenly burst in and cries while he hugs cale to the ground "caaalle nim I-Im sorry please dont abaaandoon meee" cale was flustered why he acts like that

Cale remembers that he avoided choi han so he wont cling on him and be  overprotective with him and the kids

"C-choi han hah" cale sighed as he hugged choi han back, "choi han why would I abandon you?" Cale looked at choi han with a warm smile and giggled

"Maybe I did something that could offend you?" Choi han said as he looked at cale with puppy eyes

Cale was too touched about choi han why would anybody abandon this handsome being

"Choi han I would never abandon you.." choi han stopped his crying and looked at cale "really?"

"Ofcourse choi han" cale giggled he was happy to see choi han be so childish it was very cute

"Then cale nim wont leave me ..." Choi han said "ofcourse I wont leave you where ever you go I will be there.." cale looked at choi han and hugged him "remember that..."

"Liar .."
"You said you wouldn't leave me"
"Its been 986 years.."1

" Raon is now fully grown.."
"You said we would meet again"
"You said it in your last breath"

"But I still havent meet you..."
"Why are you still not by my side.."

"Everything is now change"
"The people .. the houses... But.."

"Why doesnt my trust on your words.."

"Still not change..."

"Atleast let me just see you.."

"One last.."


"I miss you cale nim .."


Until I ... Have met you


Again... In a one rainy..

Night ...

I was ... Filled with sadness..

Now.. I feel .. all of it..



Now... I can finaly..

Be with you..

[The end]

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