The Offer

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"I believe we have. We met about-"

"850 days ago. I know, I've counted, you helped bring me here." I was filled with rage and confusion. Why would one of the men who brought me here over 2 years ago, need to talk to me now? He left me here in hell and now wants to be buddies with me? "What do you want from me? Are you and your little goon squad here to take me somewhere else?"

Mr. Fury looked at me as if I was the one in the wrong. Furrowed eyebrows, drawn back head, and huff big enough to blow down a pig's house. "Now you would you assume such a thing?" He began, "First off, I came here for an incredibly important reason. Secondly, I had no choice when bringing you here, I haven't gone a single day without thinking about you and-"


"Will you let me finish?" He waited and I nodded in agreement. He huffed then began again, "I've always thought of you because I've always wanted to help you. When my crew was on the way over, the chief filled us in on what we were dealing with. He had said a young girl had thrown lightning through the ceiling of her school. I couldn't believe it, not a bit till we got there. When we arrived and got out, I saw you. You were sitting there scared, crying, and begging for forgiveness. There were 20 different men pointing guns at you, and all you could do was apologize. I knew from that point on, the first chance I get, I was getting you out. And now finally I have a chance, so if you let me explain why I'm here, you can decide to stay or come with me. What do you think?"

Silence. My eyes started to burn and water. After all the things I've thought about this man, he has just wanted to help me. I quickly wipe my tears away before I meet Mr. Fury's eyes. "I really hope you're not lying, I'm too emotional to be able to tell." Anyone who wasn't looking would have missed the slight smirk that crept upon Mr. Fury's face. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. I just usually don't um," I could feel the words scrambling in my throat. No matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't come out.

Fury's chair squeaked as he abruptly stood up. I watched him make his way towards a water dispenser.

"It's okay, I can completely understand how this may be hard. I mean, I would be defensive too. You've been locked here, poked and prodded, and treated like less than dirt," He paused and pulled the blue lever down. Water poured into the white cup. "Take as much time as you need to process before I further explain." He glanced at his watch as he handed me the cup.

I took a sip from the cup then set it to my left. I looked at him before saying, "Thank you for the water, but I won't waste your time. What is this opportunity you speak of?"

Fury looked pleased with my response. He reclasped his hands and sat them on the table. "I have a few friends who need help, you may or may not know them as the Avengers. Recently, it has been decided that they need more help, whether that's for combat or tech. Tony asked me to help recruit some fighters, people who I knew, could win. This opportunity has given me a chance to finally help you. I've seen how you've been working on controlling and understanding your powers, this is the perfect moment of hope for you. I won't force you to make any decisions right now, but please consider." His secretive eyes seemed to be more open now, he's telling the truth.

"Would I be able to write letters to Ms. Peterson?" I wouldn't want to just leave her. She's been there for me since day one.

Mr.Fury looks relieved that she was my only concern. "Of course, you can write her letters, I'll make sure they put some paper and pencils in your room if you agree."

Room. Your room. I'll get my own room. A room where I can decorate. A room where I can sleep without barred windows and cameras always watching me. I looked through the door's window. Would she be upset if I left? She always says she wants to see me succeed, but did she really mean it? I hope she did, because I will succeed. "I'll do it. I'll help the Avengers do whatever they need help with."

His eyes beamed joy satisfaction, like a child's after stepping into a toy store. "I am so glad you've taken the offer. After you're dismissed from here, you'll be sent back to your room to gather your things. I will have a car arrive here in 15 minutes. You'll have five minutes after arrival to get down to the car before it leaves. Any questions?" The brown eyes stared at me. Man did he love eye contact.

"Mhm lovely. Now can I go? I am very popular around here as you may know. I have drugs with Dr. Connors soon, cannot miss that again." I tried my hardest not to sound it, but I was worried. Worried this was all a setup, that Mr. Fury didn't want to help me.

He smiled from my humorous response. He told me that my appointment had been canceled already. How did he know I would say yes to the offer? He sent me on my way back to my cell. When I got back there were two bags in my room, a backpack and a duffel. I began packing all my things. In the duffel I slipped in my other 4 sweatshirts, my under clothes, and my hygiene items. In the backpack I put my laptop, notebooks, pencil bag, folders, jewelry and my stuffed giraffe. As I turned around to grab my last picture on the wall, I see my favorite lady. "Hey Peterson. I'm assuming you heard?"

She nods her head and smiles. I can feel my eyes burning. I'm usually not emotional, but today has been a roller coaster. "Thats actually why I came by the cell. I am so happy for you. You finally get the chance to get out of here, it's amazing. So, as a departure gift, I have brought you a few things." She took off her backpack and pulls out the first item. They were a pair of brownish-orange dress pants. "These are just like the ones I always wear, you seemed to love them, so I got us a matching pair." She set it on my old bed and continues with a sweater. The sweater was cream colored with navy and the pants colored rings. "I saw this while I was out grocery shopping and thought of you. I was going to wait for your birthday but now seems like a better time." I could tell she was upset, but she didn't want it to show, she was staying strong. She takes a deep breath before continuing, "Now this last item is probably going to be your favorite. I know how much comfort you find in my scent, so..." She pulled out the last item. At this point I didn't care about being strong, I let the waterworks flow. It was a perfume bottle labeled, "Apple orchid and lilies."

I wasted no time in clasping onto her. I cried as I said, "I'm really going to miss you." She was using everything in her not to cry yet, but I knew as soon as I was in the car, she would lose it. She patted my back and told me I should get changed out of that hospital gown. She left the cell and closed the curtains, but she stood in front of them the whole time. I slipped on my new pants and sweater, folded my hoodie and placed it in the duffel with the others, and threw away the gown. I sprayed myself with my new bottle and told Peterson I was decent. When she entered again, she smiled. "How do I smell?" I said as I spined and posed.

She laughed, a real laugh may I add, and said, "Nice and safe. Now we better get you downstairs the car is here." She grabbed my duffel and I put on my backpack. We walked through the building until we reached the exit doors. I hesitated, is this really what I want. Peterson seemed to notice, "You want this, Thora. I know you and I promise you this is the right choice."

"It feels wrong though. You have been the best thing to happen to me and I don't want to just leave you. I feel mean." She rolled her eyes and told me that basically this offer is the best for me, and we can always call and write letters. I nodded, still feeling bad. We walked outside and sure enough a jet-black car was waiting. The tint on the windows was crazy, I could just barely see a silhouette in the driver seat. The driver got out and helped me put my bags in the trunk then opened the car door and let me in. I waved at Peterson as the car began to pull away.

I'm finally getting my new start. I take a deep breath in and rest my eyes. Manhattan is far away, I better get my rest in. I drifted away while imagining the Avengers and me fighting side by side.


AN: Yellow Mellow Hoes!!! Sorry it took OVER A MONTH for the chapter to be posted, I kept forgetting to write it ngl. But if y'all have any suggestions let me know. Be as cruel as needed please. Oh also, which girl should we meet first?? I'm thinking Hera because she's more of our age!!! Anyways I love you guys!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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