Chapter Five: How we Met

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((Kenny on side))

Adam and Oliver haven't left my side since I've been released. They catered me. It felt weird, being the one who was having all the attention.

Everyday time I slip up and say something about Ben's, Oliver's eyes start to water a bit and Adam gets this sorrow filled look.

Oliver said he's trying to learn German so he can always understand me. He's going to teach Adam too.

These two make me feel like I actually matter. That I am more than just a toy to be used by someone else.

But then I get my dreams. The ones that remind me that even the dirt on the floor is better than me. The ones where Ben would do everything he could to teach me I am his. That no one will ever be able to fill his spot in my life.

I never had those dreams at Ben's, most likely because I had the real thing right in front of me. But now, now that everything is actually becoming better for me, my past comes back to torture me, again.

I wake up screaming most of the time. Screaming and crying, pleading in German for him to stop. Adam and Oliver are always there when I wake up, calming me down, and telling me about how we all met.

Oliver cries more now that he knows more of what I say in German. One night when I had one of the dreams, he asked me what it was like to be there.

"Y-you feel trapped. L-like no m-matter what you do, you'll always be l-locked in a cage. A-after a while I got used to it. I kn-knew my place wa-was to please them. A-after a while you believe what they say.

Th-that no one will e-ever truly care about me be-because I am wo-worse than everything. That I-I am a ho-horrifyingly, wor-worthless piece of shit.

After th-the first few months, it starts to feel like home. Like you a-actually belong there, b-being treated that wa-way. It starts t-to brainwash you into a-actually believe you deserve being treated that way. That is a horrible thing to feel."

By the time I'm finished, Oliver has tears running down his face and Adam looks tired. He looks like he has the whole world on his shoulders. He seems to have had a few tears slip out as well.

"Kenny, you are worth more than practically every single thing on this planet. You are the most important person in our life. I don't know what I would do if you disappeared again." Oliver said.

It confused me why they cared about me so much. Why do they stay by my side? Am I really worth all their time? What do they see in me that they like so much?

"Th-thank you." I choked out.

I always hated crying, but these two somehow always make me want to cry when they do. Maybe it's because they're the first people to actually care about what I think and want. It makes me feel like I actually matter.

One night I willed myself to ask, "How do we know each other?" They both tensed up and looked at each other.

"Well I knew you first. We were childhood friends and we would do everything together. But then something happened. I stopped hanging out with you. I stopped doing everything with y-" Oliver started, but I interrupted him.

"Why?" He sighed.

"Because my dad did something unforgivable and was banished. I was heartbroken. I loved my dad. I was afraid that if I got too attached to you I would lose you too. I couldn't handle that thought, so I kept my distance.

"In that time, I met Adam. Adam wormed his way into my heart even though I didn't want him too. I tried to distance myself from him like I did you but he wouldn't let me. He would always be by my side somehow.

He told me to try bs fix things with you. Because actually did leave, I would want to have every moment I can with you. He was right. When you left I was heartbroken, but I was happy I got those last few moments with you." Oliver hiccuped.

Adam smiled at him, you can tell they care for each other. Adam looked at me.

"I have always been there for you. When you were little, I would do everything for you. I would try to make you happy any way I could. When you met Oliver, you didn't need me as much. He would do everything to make you laugh. At first I was jealous neither of you needed me.

Then when he stopped spending everyday with you, I wasn't jealous anymore. I was sad when I saw how upset it made you, and how disheartened Oliver looked when he saw you. I wanted to fix it, so I did.

After that we all were inseparable. We did everything together, shower, eating, sleeping, you name it, we did it, together. When you disappeared, Oliver went into depression. He wouldn't eat as much and would hardly ever come out of his room. It took almost a year to get him out of his room and eat normally.

He wasn't ever himself. He would zone out during times, looking out windows to see if you magically came back. We missed you so much Kenny." Adam said, his voice breaking every once in a while.

He got up and gave me a big hug, Oliver joining a few seconds after.

"We both missed you."

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