Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It was just another long and tedious today at Central High school. The teacher lectured away, and most of their words just jumped over my head to avoid getting killed by my army boredom-destroyer robots. I kept my eyes on the cloud as they passed by.

The school bell rings, and school is finally over. I, along with my classmates and everyone else in this school, bid our teacher goodbye before gathering our things and leaving the premises. I was halfway across the school when my name was called.

"Hey, Winter!" I turned around to see my childhood friend run up to me while waving her hand, smirk running over to me. She wasn't the biggest happy-go-lucky person. I nodded and waved back.

"What's up, Andy," I greeted back. "Though you seriously need more emotion than that."

"We both know that I'm, I'm not the most emotional person. So don't act surprised that I didn't have much emotion on my face," She said, rolling her brown eyes.

I sigh. "I get that, Andy, but as your friend. You could greet me with some emotion. We have known each other since first grade, like come on."

"Oh, don't start whining."

"Well, someone is in a be mood," I said, rolling my bright blue eyes. Andy punched my arm in annoyance.

We both chatted away as we made our way to my house since we planned to play some games together. We were now close by but had to cross the street to get there. I wanted to get home soon and play some Naruto road to Boruto. However, the traffic light was red. So I started watching the birds fly by above the cars while Andy talked about something. I wasn't really listening to her, though, as I was buried in my own thoughts until she finally noticed.

"Hey, Winter! Did you even hear a single word I said?!" She yelled, annoyed.

I turned to her with a bored expression. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"You insensitive jerk," She growled but didn't say are do anything after that.

I just smiled at her before looking away.

"As I was saying... Hey, listen to me," She snapped.

"I'm listening."

"You better be. Anyway, I was asking what do you plan on taking in college?" She asked. "I'm taking general transfer studies, then eventually going to medical school for animal medicine."

​​​​​​'Well, that's not surprising she is entirely in love with animals. It's almost all she talks about.'I thought before replying.

"Hmm...Well, I was thinking of being a zoologist, but I prefer being a human doctor mo-"

"Awesome! Then we are both in the medical field! Now let's pick the same school! I say we enroll in UMSL but maybe start off at community college." Andy cheered as she gave a bright smile than usual.

'I didn't even finish my thought. Ah, whatever, at least she is showing more emotion than usual. No point in ruining the moment.' I thought and let out a sigh and kept my focus on the traffic light."Whatever, I don't have another college in mind anyway."

"Alright," Andy smile again before looking at me with narrow eyes."Though I'm pretty sure you only agreed with me because we are in our last year, the school year is almost done, and we have too much workload. You don't want to overthink."

I gave him a close-eye smile."You know me too well. Plus, I don't want to stress myself out more them I already am. It's troublesome to have a mother who is always going out like you don't exist and a dad who spends his time with your young brother."

Andy nodded. "Yeah, your parents are quite stressful. It makes me glad I only live with my very caring mother."


We remained quiet in a comfortable silence until Andy broke it after a couple of minutes." Hey Winter, If we ever got separate after college, how do we know who it is if we look different?" She asked, sounding hurt.

I shrugged."I don't know maybe a password, I guess."

While Andy muttered to herself, I spotted a family of three next to us. Their kid was playing with a stray puppy that was lying nearby, giggling why the puppy looked annoyed. I looked away.

'Those parents shouldn't let that boy play with that puppy because I positive if it gets annoyed it definitely runoff, and the boy probably chase it chase into the road.' I thought, kind of worried that would happen. I shook my head, hoping that wouldn't happen, though.


I glanced at Andy when I heard her cheer.

"I finally thought of a password. A really creative one at that. Our password is this; The fastest pony in the land is none other than Rainbowdash, the rainbow pony."

I gave a deadpanned look. "Really? That is what you came up with. The most wondrous sentence ever about rainbowdash. How that creative is just a simple statement, you got from watching too much My little pony friendship is magic."

Andy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms."Fine, you come with something if my idea is so lame, you jerk."

I looked away. "No, it's too troublesome."

"You jerk...if you're not coming up with one, then we're sticking to that one, and you're going to live with it."

I chuckled at her annoyance. "Fine, how about Obito motto as a kid? Are we say Believe it like Naruto? Are A smile is the easiest way out of a difficult situation, as Sakura said in Naruto Shippuden?"

"No saying, believe it is annoying. Obito's motto is not creative. And smiling doesn't solve anything. More importantly, why all the Naruto suggestions? After talking about my little pony one?"

"Hm... Why it is better than my little pony...oh forget it, we just go with my little pony. Even though I don't think it matters," I said, shaking my head. Andy nodded in approval.

We remained again in another comfortable silence..of course, it was interrupted once again. This time by, a familiar barking puppy passed us.

Andy and I blinked.

"What in the world? Is that someone puppy?" Andy thinks out loud.

I didn't respond. I just stared at the puppy with wide eyes, knowing full well the thing I was worried about was about to happen.

"No! Come back, puppy!"

Soon enough, the parents' kid ran past me and chased the puppy just as I predicted.

"Hero! No, get back here!" The mother yelled in worry.

Her husband was just about to run after him, but I beat him to it. I clicked my tongue in annoyance and dashed forward, ignoring Andy's call of surprise. Once I reach the kid, Andy beside me holding the puppy and shaking her head in annoyance at me and the kid for our behavior. I ignored him, and I shoved the kid to the other side, and she slid the puppy to the other side when we saw a speeding car coming at us. The kid and puppy were safe, but And and I didn't make it.


So here it is the first chapter of our story. This is written by me SasukeWife and @HokageOrochimaru23. It is a co-written reborn and self-insert Naruto fanfiction. We don't own Naruto; It belongs to Kishimoto. We only own the two main characters and the plot changes we make, and any other oc that may appear.

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