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Sans PoV

I've lived in Snowdin my entire life. I was taught about the warmth of a sun I never thought I would get to see. As far as I knew, Hotland was as close as I was going to get to that feeling of warmth. Then, she fell... Frisk, the last human soul we needed to break the barrier, the soul we needed in order for the king to reignite a war humans had forgotten and monsters didn't want (he didn't want the war either).

I was the first monster she had met upon exiting the ruins, and if Toriel hadn't made me promise to protect her, I would've been the last. Looking back on it, I think that might have been the best promise I've ever made. I watched as she befriended every monster she came across. She would stop and talk to me, and we would go to Grillby's. Eventually, her journey was coming to a close, but I didn't want to see her go. She ignited a flame in my soul that I thought had burned out long ago. I knew she only had a few options: she could stay with us, underground; she would have to kill Asgore and give up on being the pacifist we had all come to know; lastly, she would have to die. Asgore is like a father to me; he helped take care of Paps and me. However, I think loosing her would be worse. I had fallen in love, and I enjoyed the warmth of that feeling too much to just let it go.

I tried to make her turn back, but nothing worked. She fought him, and I don't remember what happened next, but all of a sudden, we were on the surface, witnessing the first sunset I've ever seen. I could feel the heat on my skull, happiness that was shared between friends, and for some reason, a crushing anxiety weighing heavily on my soul. I was jostled out of that thought by the sound of Papyrus excitedly running towards the nearest human city; I thought that I should go with him to keep him out of trouble. This would also be my first encounter with humans other than Frisk, and I was pretty curious.

Frisk PoV

I had to fight the long dead prince of the monsters; I saw my friends in their most vulnerable states, and I almost failed to save the one that was probably the most important to me. I managed it though, after painful deaths that included being impaled, crushed, and burned with beams of energy.

I felt cold as we stepped onto the surface. My breathing felt labored. I wanted to tell someone, to scream that I wasn't okay, but I couldn't. Their faces of bliss, the warmth that radiated from each of them, the first genuine smile I had seen on Sans, it all caused me to keep quiet. I couldn't ruin this for them, and I'm sure Asriel wasn't kidding when he told me that every death would equal another memory lost. I nearly ran away but was stopped by Asgore. He had asked if I wanted to be the ambassador for monster kind, and I had to turn him down. Toriel asked if I wanted to stay with her, and I had to watch her heart break as I turned down her offer.

After everyone had left, I stayed on the mountain top. I felt numb, unable to show my fear as my lungs stopped working. I felt cold, shivering with the last rays of the sun still on my face. I looked at my soul for what I thought would be the last time and shuddered as it shattered.

Sans PoV

I sat up in my bed with tears running from my sockets; I couldn't even remember what I was dreaming about. I looked out my window and was for some reason shocked to see snow. I shouldn't have been; I've lived in Snowdin my entire life.

I jumped a little when I heard Papyrus say something about, feeling it in his bones that a human was going to show up today. I was inclined to believe him, even though this is what he said everyday.

I went to big doors that lead to the ruins and was a bit astonished when the woman behind them asked me to promise to protect the next human that came out of the doors. I was hesitant, but when someone likes my bad jokes as much as I do, I tend to trust them, so I agreed. What surprised me even more was when a human appeared outside of those same doors not even ten minutes later.

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