Q & A #1

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"You must know that a lot of girls like you. Will you turn into a player? Or be like that guy who doesn't spare girls a second chance? ~flawless_villians

Wait... Girls like... me?! Of all people?

Hiro. Hun. You have no idea.


*Shows him Tumblr*

Oh... Well... I'll try to talk to you guys as much as I can but... I can't... you know... love all of you...

Can I eat the cheeseburger? ~Cakeworldrandomness

Um. You mean the one from the date? Sure I guess...

*Hands Tree the cheeseburger*


Can you clone people? If so, find a unicorn and clone it so we will have lots of unicorns. ~magical_kitties

Nope, sorry. Can't clone things yet, so I'll have to build them by hand.

If you had to choose between Honey Lemon, Gogo, or Fred to date, who would you choose? ~xSallySparrow

Well... Honey Lemon is really sweet and kind... so she'll be nice to me. Gogo is adventurous, so we'd go on cool adventures together. And as for Fred. Uh. He's rich... Oh, and he has a cool collection of stuff! Ugh, I really don't know...

-_- You judge Fred so badly.

Sorry Fred...

[These are my BH6 o.c's]

Emi: Ok, Hiro, since my sister, Tyler, is too much of a WIMP-

Tyler: N-No I'm n-not! *Tic*

Emi: -to ask you this, do you think you'd ever 'like' like her? Y'all are the same age, and Honey Lemon agrees that you guys are almost exactly alike. She's had a crush on you for a while, ya know.

Tyler:*Glares at Emi* And you had a crush on Tadashi.

Emi: Shut up. ~CreeperGirl567

What is it with all the girls liking me?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND-

Sorry Tyler, he's having a bit of a meltdown right now. After all... he only just found out that millions of girls on Tumblr have been fangirling excessively over him.


Yeahhhhh... But I'm sure that if you tell him how you feel, he'll be moved by you. He may even like you back!


Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates recently! I've had a pile up of questions on this book so I decided to put them all in one chapter! Keep commenting! I love reading your funny comments and questions!

Soon I'll be able to update more recently, and I'm working on the newest chapter of Love and War. Stay patient my friends, I'm almost there!

Final exams are coming up, but I'll try my best to update. Also, comment what you want me to update. I feel as if I've neglected a lot of books recently...

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